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Someone likes the ships so let's keep it that way.

H2OVanCat. (Is that right?)

Remember to Request!


Delirious POV

I scream as I run down the hall. Everything was so real and I was shit scared.

The zombie apocalypse is nothing you would think it is. You're on edge every second and sometimes, for me, everything goes blurry for a while. I'm not sure if I'm losing my eyesight or that I'm just scared, god I can tell if hungry or not anymore.

I'm with someone, he said he's in this house but with all these zombies I actually think not. His name is Wildcat, well that's what he told me. I said to call me Delirious. I think it suits me, it really does.

My screams died down, I am screamish but I can't help it. The zombies behind me much be starting to get tired as they slow down, I don't and continue to run through the halls.

I see stairs leading downwards and that's exactly where I go. Almost tripping down half the steps but was able to catch myself everytime. I get to the bottom to end up in a pool of bloody water.

"Aw man what happened here?" I groan at the smell but ignore it and start to run, I don't slow down just like earlier. I turn the corner to see a door bearly open. Please be no zombies I plead, running in and closing it behind me.

"Ah!" I scream but soon stopped as I notice it was Wildcat with some other guy.

"We need to work on your screaming problem Del." Wildcat says before turning to the other person.

"This is Vanoss, he's been hiding here for a while so he'll tag along, if that's okay Del." Wildcat asks, smiling like he normally does, I smile back nodding to answer.

"Anyone alive is welcomed to my live." I say, I was anti-social and now I got 2 people to look after.

"Its nice to meet you, Del?" Vanoss sounds uncertain. I stare at him with my more friendly smile.

"Delirious turns to Del, I'm not bothered about what one you call me."

"Is Delly okay?" He sounds like a kid but I nod and turn to the guns lay out.

"Shall we get started?" Wildcat walks over to the guns, picking one up.


It has been days, I think? Since we met Vanoss. We've made it to somewhere safer, I told the other two that I recognise this place. The ruined building the middle, a shooting range and a thearter.

"I'm telling you! My father was in the army and he had pictures of this place!" I shout a little bit loud, looking around in case some zombie heard me.

"Whatever Delly, we can just look for stuff." Vanoss moves to walk towards the gun range, likely for guns to be there.

"C'mon Del, if you know this place so well then show us the way." Wildcat starts to walk down a small hill, then it hit me, the apocalypse happened because of this place.

"Wildcat! Vanoss! I remembered something!" I shout, seconds later they bother appear and I run down the hill Wildcat was at. Turning left and going to an underground bunker.

I slow down, remembering the picture of my father standing outside and can see what's inside from the picture. I walk, expecting a zombie of the guy who never moved from the place behind the table.

"Del? Is that a clown head?" Wildcat questions, his voice shake from the realisation of it all.

"There was tools like this down in the basement." Vanoss states, picking up a few.

"This all happened because if the army?!" Wildcat rages out, running outside with Vanoss and I on his tail.

He looked angry, no pissed. I stayed out the way, knowing I did something wrong.

Wildcat turns to us and smirks, moving closer until he's almost squishing us again the dirt wall.

"You know... We all haven't had much fun since this started, mind helping?" He says looking down at himself and Vanoss and I do the same.

Wildcat bulge is so noticeable that the zombies would see it. Blind fuckers. I move onto the knees, starting to pull his pants and boxers down, Vanoss finally understands and gets onto his knees as well. 

"Hope you enjoy~" I sing, grabbing the base of his dick and move my hand. Giving small kitten lips to the top. 

I lick down one side as Vanoss does too, we both go back to the tip to stop sucking Wildcat and start kissing each other, our tongues fight for dominance as Wildcat tip is almost in the way, more like he's a part of making out. I stop kissing Vanoss to put Wildcat in my mouth, surprising him by deep throating.

I look at Vanoss, seeing that he's marking Wildcat legs, I look up at Wildcat and he's looking back, his bottom lip between his teeth.

I was pulled off, at first I thought it was Vanoss but he was in the same hold as me. Gripped by the hair and forced to stand up.

"Del. Baby. You gonna fuck Vanoss okay?" Wildcat said, turning Vanoss around and pushing me against his back. I kiss up his neck, leaving a deep red mark right under his ear.

Wildcat lubed his own fingers up, using his left hand one Vanoss and his right on me. Once Wildcat thought Vanoss was stretched enough he pulled his fingers out and hold my left hip.

I start to push into Vanoss, his voice echoing in the underground bunker that's right next to us.

"Delly~ You're so d-deep!" He moans and leans back onto me, I whisper how good he feels and I start to thrust harder.

I moan as Wildcat starts to go into me, not even waiting for me to adjust to his size. Thrusting into me and because of that I thrust into Vanoss.

Vanoss and I moans continue to echo and  Wildcat starts to go sloppy.

Vanoss is the first to cum, it covers the dirt wall and Wildcat hits my prostate head on, I cum deep inside Vanoss, fulling him to the brim and Wildcat came not long after.

Wildcat pulls out and I do so too, Vanoss almost falling to the ground but I catch him on time.

"How about real names?" Vanoss suggests. I look at Wildat and he nods.

"Me then Del then Vanoss, that order okay?" He says, blushing lightly.


We smile at each other, grabbing our cloths and leave the headquarters.

"Damn I love you guys."


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