Daithi De Vanoss

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I know I've disappeared but I'm back and since I notice someone liked my last daithi de vanoss smut I would like to do another...
Honestly my mind is blank at the moment and have almost 0 motivation.
I hope you all enjoy!


Vanoss POV

Lately, Nogla has been staying with me as he said it would be "easier" to make his videos at my house than a hotel. I'm happy for him to want to be here but he's acting... off. Constantly looking at me.

"Evan~" I hear Nogla from the game/office room. I walk in with 2 cups of coffee, being careful to not fall.

"What is it Nogla?" I ask as I set a cup on his table, he smiles at me as a thanks for the coffee.

"I was thinkinggggg... maybe we can play fortnite?" He asks, looking back at the computer screen. I sigh knowing it's something that Tyler has been playing.

"Sure I'll give it a try." I turn making my way to my pc, turning it on and logging into whatever I need to.

Nogla and I start off pretty well, well with him carrying me I can't get any better. After hours and hours of playing and many fails, Nogla decides to have a break, as I decide to continue playing.

I was on full focus when I suddenly feel 2 hands on my shoulders, pushing me forward. I lightly scream and turn my head to see Nogla standing behind me.

"What the hell man! What are you doing?" I asked completely clueless. Nogla kisses under my ear and my face heated up at the bold action.

"Just let me do my thing babe" he says, then continues to kiss down the side of my face. Nogla makes me stand up and bend me over even more.

Nogla takes off my jeans, pulling them to my ankles and leave me like that. I feel him rub at my cheeks very softly, before a harsh slap lands on my right cheek. He then spreads me, wetting his own fingers and circling my hole. I'm still confused but as he pushes 2 fingers into me I feel myself get harder than I was. Nogla continues to finger me and I try my hardest to keep my moans back.

"Nogla please..." I breath out, trying to look at him. He hums at me and pulls his fingers out, I whine at the lost and hear Nogla giggle behind me.

"Don't worry babe I got this." I then feel something much bigger and harder poke at my ass, till eventually Nogla pushes all the way in, balls deep.

Nogla thrusts at a hard pace, nor speeding up or slowing down. Then after glorious minutes Nogla starts to go sloppy, leaning over so his chest is on my back.

"Are you ready to cum Evan?" He asks as he bites down on my shoulder. I scream out multiple yes. Nogla tries to go his hardest till I cum all over the floor, luckily missing what is important.

Moments later Nogla cums deep inside me, groaning out curses and standing back to look at me.

As he does so, I fall to the ground rolling onto my side, bright red face looking at his.

"That was great" I smile.


Like I said I have done much better before and requests would be lovely to have. I'll post how I would like the requests to be.

Thank you so much!

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