Vanoss Babe

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Super sorry y'know? School is a big bum and so is exams!

I didn't know what to call it so... hope you enjoy

P.S Evan a sissy (if that is what they're called lol)


Flutters erupted low in my belly. I smoothed the thin black dress down my hips and tried to ignore the tremble in my hands. Noisy bars were not my usual scene. Friday nights were spent buried in my bedroom or finishing a youtube video, not wearing sexy lingerie and prowling through a crowd of strangers. Eyes roamed over the swell bursting from my low-cut neckline, and I resisted the urge to cover myself. I would be more comfortable else where.

A snort of laughter puffed out of my nose. I smacked a palm to my face and darted my eyes around the bar, making sure no one heard me. Wearing these clothes is going to get you what you want, Evan

He was here somewhere, waiting to tease me, torture me and make me want to do things that cause my cheeks to blush. Tyler was the reason I spent a week's salary on black lace.

My eyes floated from one unrecognizable face to another, and a sick feeling churned in my gut. What if he didn't come?

I find myself scanning my eyes around the bar with still no sign of him, I remember our last chat, about him bringing friends. I remember meeting few of them, they seemed lovely and didn't mind me wearing girly clothes. Most of my life I lived like a girl, I accepted the fact that I'm a guy and I like it, but something about being a girl... interests me.

I get fed up waiting and making my way back home, walking the dark roads made me feel at peace, the walk was fine. Passed a few drunks and that's pretty much it.

I get into my house, everything seemed fine, everything tindy in case Tyler wanted to come over. He's the best, always been there for me and sometimes I feel like I'm his number one.

I get to my room, slowly taking of my dress hoping not to ruin it in any way. Then finally taking off my lingerie, I lay down and think, I'm a big over thinker and this could be the worse for me but that won't stop me anyway.

My mind wonders and end in the most lustful part of my head, it always starts with Tyler. Him running his hands down my stomach and teasing me to the point of exhaustion. I try to copy him in my head, running my own hands down and eventually getting to my dick, pleasure fills me and my cock ever gets harder.

I start teasing the top, squeezing it and releasing. Slowly taking my hand up and down, moans slowly erupt from my throat, knowing I'm home alone I let them out, echoing around the room. I decide, something I don't often do, get the bright pink dildo I bought long ago. Getting on my knees, of course getting lube to make sure the dildo goes in easy, sitting down on it, taking my time as it reaches the deepest part of me.

I start to bounce, jerking myself off as well as keeping the dildo going. I get louder, knowing the neighbours might even hear me. I feel my stomach tightening and my movements getting sloppy. I make a growl like noice and cumming all over the sheets.

"Jesus Evan!!!" I scramble to cover myself as soon as I hear... Tyler?

"I knew you liked that type of stuff but please not in front of my friends!" Tyler shouts and continues but I'm so embarrassed by the fact around 5 of his friends are just standing there.

"H-how long?" I stutter, looking at each face.

"Long enough." Brian says with a smirk...


I wanted to make them all join in but like school suddenly took over me! I'm happy I've done something and hopefully get my laptop back so I can type in happiness!

But what about a part 2? Who loves gangbangs? lol anyway I'm deeply sorry for taking so long for such a short thing and I'll get more out after my art exam!

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