
1.5K 29 1

I couldn't think of a title.

We are almost at 30k which is insane I never expected to do so well, everyone seems to love it and I couldn't be happier.


Evan POV.

Today is the day. I couldn't be more nervous but then again I couldn't be happier to get this off my chest. Lately the boys have noticed, of course you would notice your best friend acting weird, and this morning I asked everyone to get on at the same time if possible.

As soon as everyone started to come online and into the Skype call I hear rounds of 'are you okay?' and 'did something happen' but I tell them to shut up. Like seriously they can be so loud.

Once everyone is quiet I look at them all on the little independent screens of their faces. I sigh and smile ready to start my speech.

"As you all I know I have something important to tell you all," I start "this is something that I've kept for a long time and I feel that I meet to let you know now." I look at everyone and they seem ready to know about my secret.

"To make it simple... I'm gay." I announce. I look away ready for any backslash about it, or even them to never talk to me but all I hear was a small whisper of my name.

"You know we aren't against that, but you shouldn't have kept it from us. We support you no matter what." Jon says, his usual goofy smile and everyone agrees. Actually agrees and I couldn't be happier.

Afterwards it was all giggles, finally being able to open up makes me feel carefree to what others think. My friends are and will always be the best and I couldn't ask for anything better.


Yeah what the fuck happens to all the smut ideas I used to have.

And to people who loved my snake thank you very much but I won't be handling it for another week since he won't eat and I don't want to stress him.

Also in total I actually have 6 pets so my life is a mix of Wattpad, work, and caring for my pets.

I have 4 budgies, a crested gecko, and a enchi fire ball python. I love them all and honestly my second job wish is to become an animal educator so yeah. 

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