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I have never done this before and I'm lowkey scared coz I'm in the middle of my graphics class and typing this for you, any misspelled things will be deal with later.
Trust me I love yous I'll get this done

Updated: New setting.


Vanoss POV.

I lean against Tyler as we work on our own things, I love how Brian let us have our own office. Lately, Tyler has been taking naps. I haven't told him about my fetish yet, I'm scared what if he isn't into it?

"Babe?" I say as I turn to look at him. He's sound asleep, snoring slightly... I notice him without socks on, his feet are just so perfect.

I gentally move so that I'm on the floor in front of him, I touch his feet, not hard but soft and taking in the texture of them. I start to feel a tingle (?) as I continue to rub at his feet. Tyler doesn't seem to be moving at all.

I move back, being quiet as possible, taking my shorts off. My dick stands tall, it isn't the best but Tyler seems to like it, he's always up to fuck me, once he let me do it to him... That is for another time.

I slide back in from of him, getting as close as I can, picking his feet up and place them against my dick, ever so gentally moving my hips, continuing the action.

The room was quiet other than the sound of my breathing. I swear I heard Tyler moan, but I took it lightly and keept going till I feel myself twitch.

I climax and my cum goes all over the carpet on the floor. "You better clean that up, Evan..."


Not good at all, I can't think of a way to make it any better but I may look back at it another time


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