Evan x male reader

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This is super sort but please read the end.



I haven't been in the best of moods and I can definitely tell Evan knows. Even Tyler messaged me asking what the problem was, I personally don't know. I more or less just want to rest and ignore the world but it's hard to do so when you work most the day and the love of your life wants you at night.

I've worked hard enough to earn a couple of days off and my plan is to treat Evan to a special night.

When Evan and I first got together I faintly remember Evan saying something like 'it kinda turns me on when you call me Vanoss,  all you call me is Evan now.'

Tonight is going to be more when we first started dating, the weirdness calling each other by our real names and only really talking to each other online.

I just want to see how he reacts to Vanoss instead. If that doesn't work then I can still fuck him into tomorrow.

We can only wait and see.


Sorry for cutting this sort but I wanted to say thank you for the 50k reads, I didn't even notice it happened since college just started and I've been a bit busy.

Thank you to everyone for reading and I'll get another part out for this as soon as possible. (Likely tomorrow if you are reading this as soon as I post it.)

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