Short and Sweet

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So I said I'll do this out the kindness of my heart, your opinion on my work is utterly important as it matters to me. I would always like to know what you want and what you didn't like.

I hope you enjoy ✓


Tonight was meant to be a night to myself, where I can cleanse my soul of all the boredom of my week. Saturdays are for the boys, Evan leaves just after noon to go to one of his many friends house and, of course, play video games. My relationship with Evan is fantastic and I'm begging for him to possibly pop the question soon, my one and only wish for the time being is the chance to call Evan my husband. Although in my dreams he already has that title. I decide to start my Saturday off simple. Watching a few episodes of Jane The Virgin.

During the second episode in, I wanted to get something to drink and wine sounds perfect right now. The floor is cold under my feet as they slap again the hardwood.

As I wander back into the living room the front door burst open and wonders in Evan.

"You're back super early, is everything okay?" I say. He just glances at me before making his way to the sofa, completely ignoring me.

I walk over and sit next to Evan, I know better than to pressure him into telling me what is the problem. We sit in silence till Evan turns his head to me, almost teary eyed and pouts.

"They were just really getting on my nerves today." He whispers out, I can see how upset he is and I know how mean his friends can be even if they don't mean it.

"I can help your mood if you like" I smirk at him, hinting at what we can do right now. He sees to catch on and leans back against the sofa.

I make my way down to the ground to make sure he lifts his hips so I can get his bottom half of clothes off. Evan is already supporting a semi, I get straight to work.

I start with a long kiss to his head, a few kitten licks as I hear him grunt, enjoying the pleasure. I take him into My mouth already feeling him harden, giving a strong start to start him up, slowly bobbing my head for effect. Evan continues to moan and the occasional fuck under his breath, I want this to be quick, all for Evan pleasure rather than my own. He deserves this.

Suddenly I feel Evan grip my hair into a make shift pony tail and force my head up and down at a different pace than my own. Slightly faster and stronger than my own pace. His hips buckle ever so small as he chases his high, eventually using both his hands to hold me down as he fucks my mouth.

His cock hits the back of my throat, I try my best to relax as I can feel him swell. Evan shoves himself down my throat and let's go with a loudish moan.

I push myself away, my chin coated in my own spit as I cheekily smile up at him.

"We can continue this later, babygirl."


Thanks for getting me to #5 on the tag list!!!

Also the reads just keep getting higher and I can't thank you enough, I told my mum about how I write (although I didn't mention the smut don't worry) and she seems pretty proud. I started this as a giggle and now I want to take it as serious as possible. By tomorrow -13 May 2019- I will have internet and will try my best to get a lot of work out. I would also start on my short story that I want to complete.

Thank you everyone for being the best to me.

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