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2 months later.
"Short Street, up the alley, and in the second building on the left side of the street. If something happens, call me. Okay?" I had shipment duty again. "Short Street, alley, second building, left side, got it."

"Be careful." Jonathan did not let me get any more words out.
"Short Street. Awesome." I walked down the narrow alley, suddenly feeling a hand on my waist. I turned around seeing Harley. "Hey!" I went to punch her but she blocked and I felt something sharp go into my abdomen.

I let out a cry and held my stomach. "Take that, bitch." Harley turned and walked away. I started sobbing and pulled out the phone, quickly dialing Jonathan's number.

"Trish, what's-?" "Jonathan, Harley stabbed me! I'm losing lots of blood, hurry." "O-Okay. Be there soon."
Jonathan's POV

"Be careful." I put the phone down nervously and slumped in my chair.

Dear God Jonny, she's going to die! Why don't you just get them on your own?

I'm scared too. I know it wasn't very bright of me to leave her by herself. But she can fend for herself, I'm sure of it.

I don't know. Our shipments are in the deepest part of the Narrows. People do all sorts of crazy stuff down there. Do you think she'll survive any of that?

She survived Arkham City, I'm pretty sure she'll be alright.

My thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing loudly. I quickly answered. "Trish, what's-?" "Jonathan, Harley stabbed me! I'm losing lots of blood, hurry!" "O-Okay. Be there soon." I hung up and started panicking.

"Shit..." I grabbed a medical kit, ran out, and took the car to Short Street. I saw her clutching her side. I quickly got out of the car and held her close.

"It going to be alright. I'll help you okay?" My breaths were fast while bandaging her up. "Alright, just put pressure in it. You're okay."

She did as I said and shook her head. "This is too much." I cupped her cheek and kissed her. "Don't say that. You're going to make it through this. I promise."

Before I knew it, actual tears came out of my eyes. "If I don't, please don't try to look for other women like me. I love you. Always."

"In a place like this, I don't think I'll find another woman like you... You're the best as they come, Trisha."

She smiled weakly and soon enough her body fell limp. My eyes widened. "No... no, please don't be-" I felt her pulse. Nothing. I took off my glasses and wiped my tears.

The greatest thing I have is gone.

Her breaths slowed down and her head laid on my chest. "How'd you get out?" "Joker helped me. He told me he'd help me if I stayed with him but I said no, but begged him to help me, and he did."

"Good girl." She smiled at my reply and yawned. "Take me to bed, Jonathan." Without warning I picked her up bridal style and took her to the bedroom.

"Here you go. Do you want me to stay with you?" She shook her head. "Do whatever you need to do. I'm okay." I headed towards the door but she stopped me.

"Jonathan?" "Hm?" Trisha smiled before saying, "you look way cuter without glasses on."

"I look cute either way."

"Trish?" She was laid out on her back. "Shit. You're still asleep?" I sighed.

"You look very bad. You need food." I pulled down the blanket and lifted up her shirt to below her breasts. "I can see your ribs... I-I made you like this... it's my fault.. all mine."

Silent sobs racked my body. "Trisha! Baby!" I shook her and she slowly opened her eyes. I looked down at her in utter pain.

"I need you to eat. Please." She didn't object, just reached for me. I placed my arms around her small waist and hers made their way to my neck. Soon her legs were placed on either sides of me.

I carried her to the kitchen and got out some leftover Chinese and put it in the microwave. "Are you still angry with me?" Trisha asked, sounding tired.

"No. Not at all. I'm angry with myself. I shouldn't have tried to spray Batman with you beside him. If I hadn't done that, we probably wouldn't have gone to Arkham and you wouldn't have gotten beaten and starved yourself like this."

About 10 minutes after Trisha left to make breakfast, she came back. "Room service for Doctor Crane!" I smirked, liking the professionalism in her voice. It made her sound a lot hotter. When she placed the breakfast beside me, I looked up at her.

"Thanks Miss-" my mouth fell wide open when I saw her amazing cleavage on full display. "What? Is something on my face?"

"No, it's nothing. You're just, i-insanely gorgeous." Both our cheeks reddened and she kissed my lips softly. "Hurry and finish. Love you."

I didn't respond, just smiled widely and turned back to my work. "Eat or I'll make you!" She reassuringly replied, "I will! Don't worry."
"Don't worry, Doctor Crane. I assure you she's in a way better place." Batman visited me in the alley. I was still looking at Trisha's lifeless body.

"I'll never find anyone as great as her. Behind the criminal she is, she's a great woman." I stroked her cheek. "That's what you can be if you give this up. I'll help you become a psychiatrist again?"


And that's what I did. Over the course of a month, I got declared sane and became a psychiatrist again. Every Wednesday I visit Trisha's grave. It makes me feel a lot better.

And today was Wednesday. The cold air blew in my face and I knelt down to her grave.

"Well, I'm back at Arkham Asylum again. I wish it was still the day I met you. So much. And I kept my promise. No woman has fazed me yet."

"Only you will."


This is the end.

But! I'm planning another Scarecrow story! It won't be a sequel, but it will be Scarecrow, yay.

See you all later, I loved writing this ! 😍

-CV/Kathleen! ♡♢

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