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My eyes scanned the crowded streets, making sure no crazy driver is going to hit me before walking across the pedestrian lane.

The people around me kept their heads down, others wearing masks because of the the polluted air. All around me, they never spoke, merely passing glances here and there but all the same, they act like robots with no meaning to live.

As much as I hate to admit it, I hated this planet. I hated the smell and the way it had changed most of the people on who they are.

And I was one of those unfortunate ones.

Back then, everything was simple and normal, my brothers and I would often play and get ourselves into lots of trouble that mom and dad would ground us for weeks or days.

That happiness didn't last long though, Jake became a marine (despite the protests of dad) and ended up getting severely injured that almost cost him his life.

He survived but he was never the same again, he became distant and eventually when mom died and we barely saw dad, we split apart.

The last thing I heard of Tom was that he went off to study in a university to get to a planet called Pandora he had so desperately wanted to be in.

Jake never contacted me and though I often would see his figure strolling around the streets in his wheelchair, I can never be sure it was him because it was always far away from my sight to even identify.

I had always thought my life would be like this forever. Until opportunity came through a call.


The sound of ringing filled my ears as I contemplated whether to answer the damn thing or wreck it and buy another one. 

Few seconds later I answered it with a scowl on my face "This better be something good or else I'll skin you alive, cut your guts and feed them to the dogs" I growled, the effects of not having caffeine after being rudely awakened getting to me.

I blame this on the idiot who woke me up, this guy's lucky he's nowhere near me.

A few buzzing was heard before a familiar voice that I had not heard a long time came.

"What a nice way to greet your brother Emmy"


"What do you want? Last time I heard from you, you wanted to go to outer space to some hostile alien planet"

A chuckle came through the other line "About that, I'd like to ask you a favor" My brows raised but I didn't say anything, waiting to hear what Tom has to say.

"Would you like to come with us to Pandora?"

I blinked, processing the question Tom bluntly asked "Us?" I asked hesitantly, wondering who the other person was.

"Yes us, and that includes you, me and Jake"

I must have spaced out for a second because Tom was calling my name.

"How do Jake and I fit in this alienetic expedition?"

I finally asked. Thomas always wanted to go to this planet called Pandora and had been studying for years after he graduated high school. Jake and I have no idea whatsoever to be able to go there.

"Unfortunately, the avatar that was suppose to come out as one decided to go triplet on me and on that note, one of the avatars has your gene as a female"

Tom explained and I wondered if it was because of our genetics as triplets it caused the embryo to have similar three of it yet one is distinctly different than the two.

"Why can't you ask some other female you always invite to your house to be the one to go with you?"

Tom sighed "I already gave up going after women as soon as I heard the tales about Pandora and its sites also, the avatar and its driver has to have the same genetics or the avatar will just be an empty shell with no life" He said irritably. Man, that was before you reached the age of maturity.

"So what do you say?"

I contemplated on what to do with this invitation. As much as I hate to admit it, there was nothing I could do here and I always wanted to have at least, a little bit of adventure and seeing some things new.

"Alright, when will I see you and Jake?"

"That's the spirit! We'll meet in 2 weeks. I promise you you'll never regret making this decision!"

Tom said excitedly before cutting of the server. Brother, I'm already doubting my choice.

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