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We took out last day as humans memorable, well save for the fact a few tears were shed and a few colleagues from Tom decided to relive a few moments ( ones which that were embarrassing to Tom and a big laugh for Jake and I) and there long speeches about us and how we caused an impact to them.

Seriously, it was really touching...

The three of us decided to have one last video logs before we head out to the Tree of Souls as a last goodbye to our human bodies and that is what I was doing now.

"I'm not very good at saying goodbye, mostly because I easily get uncomfortable under all the tears and whatnot. Anyway, I had a good life in my human days but I guess fate wants me to live in a different kind of world. Whatever happens tonight, I might live for another year or be with Eywa. Night is approaching so I guess I better leave now, I hate to miss my own party. After all, It's our rebirthday"

A lopsided grin formed at my face as I stared at the cam in front of me "This is Lenna Emersyn Sully Signing off" I quickly closed the cam and stretched my arms just as soon as Jake and Tom walked in with clean clothes "Ready to go?" Jake asked, excitement on his voice.

I rolled my eyes "Let the lady change first you two" I heard Jake mumble out about me acting tomboyish to be a girl which made me throw my shoe at his head.


I was nervous because of two things; One, there is a 50/50 chance I may or may not live during the transfer and Grace's death because of her wounded badly did not help my reference. Second, this might be Tsu'tey's first time in seeing me human.

The chopper landed a few meters away where a few Na'vi warriors were waiting. I was the first one to jump out before Jake and Tom followed suit and we were staring at our Na'vi brothers that were 9 foot taller than us.

Talk about feeling small...

A familiar Na'vi on a Pa'li caught my attention and I realized it was Tsu'tey coming over. I stared at him as he set down before we locked eyes. Everyone fell deathly silent before he reached out to touch my face and I leaned in in response. A grin formed before he literally swept off my feet and carried me to the Tree of Souls with Jake and Tom's mouths gaping open in surprise.

"Tsu'tey put me down!"

I squealed as he laughed "You look like a baby, I get to carry you too. I love to carry you" I mumbled profanities while trying to shrink away from the gazes of the people. Imagine that, their best warrior carrying a small, baby like human.

How embarrassing...

I was spared by firther embarrassment when Neytiri came and swept me away to change for the transfer. It was weird feeling leaves all over your body but they'll have to do. Jake and Tom had the same outfit thought Tom was trying his best to cover up his "Manly" parts.

That boy still has his modesty...Bless him.

We three laid down beneath the Tree of Souls as Mo'at began to chant and the people prayed. I felt the vines closing in on me and the last thing I saw were the hopeful looks of my friends as I passed through the Eye of Eywa.


I was having a major shock. WhenI saw Eye of Eywa, I meant really the entire Pandora Planet. I could see and feel everything as if I was one with the forest. A soft hum was heard and all the ancient Na'vi around me appeared, one of them was Sylwanin and Eytukan.

They were all smiling and at peace though their mouths were not opening up, they were speaking through my mind.

I really didn't have time to figure out what they said (though I knew they were congratulated ones) because I felt myself being pulled away from this beautiful place.

But I want to stay!

Your place is not here my child.


The first thing I heard were soft prayers and the feeling of some tiny little tentacles on me. I felt a hand clasp my own and the powerful scent of Tsu'tey gave me enough juice to open my eyes as a full Na'vi.

Did the world suddenly went brighter?

Tsu'tey smiled as I blinked and slowly tried to move my new body. Tom was already trying in sitting position while Jake was staggering to his feet with Neytiri's help. Pushing my hands, I slowly sat up before leaning against Tsu'tey for support.

"It would seem it had taken too much of your energies, you three must rest" Mo'at said with a kind smile. Jake grinned before he and Neytiri bounded off to a secluded place while Tom and Nina't went to the place the singers were staying. The wind was suddenly knocked off me and Tsu'tey was once again carrying me through the crowd of Na'vi.

"Tsu'tey!" I growled and he chuckled "Be glad I do not drop you like I did before" I rolled my eyes "You carried me like I was a Yerik" Tsu'tey hummed and I hate to admit it but it was nice being carried by him.

We arrived not in my own nivi but his. He oh so gently (not) set me down before curling up beside me "When this is over and my energy restored, I'm going to get you for this" I snarled. Tsu'tey purred.

"Shut up and sleep Skxawng"

I rolled my eyes and snuggled under him. For the first time I slept in my Na'vi and I dreamed.

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