The Avatars

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They were blue.

That was the first thing that came into my mind as soon as my eyes landed on the avatars in the amino tanks. They were blue and freaking tall!

Tom looked around for his avatar until he spotted his best friend, Norm Spellman, another scientist like Thomas and Max Patel.

"Norm! Max!"

The three hugged and chatted while I awkwardly stayed in the sidelines knowing my lack of Pandora knowledge is going to give me an overheated head on what they are talking about.

"I'll show you to your avatars"

Max finally said as we followed him silently across the whole avatar cocoons until I spotted two avatars looking exactly similar to one another.

"I've already showed Jake his, yours is on the right Tom. Um, Lenna right? Yours is over there"

I waved my hand "Call me Emersyn, Lenna mother's name" From the corner of my eye, I saw Tom wince a bit and Max awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, realizing he hit a soft spot.

I walked away from them as I rounded up a corner and saw a blue shaped body in a amino tank.


I blinked as I stared at the female avatar that was constantly twitching every now and then with a soft look on her face as if she was merely sleeping.

Feelings someone behind me, I could tell it was Jake. Us triplets had a special kind of bond which was discovered by scientists in the early ages when the first ever identical siblings felt one another's emotions.

To feel Jake's searing pain in the legs almost made me numb and unable to move before I heard Tom screaming and calling 911.

When we arrived at the hospital, Jake was paralyzed waist deep. He can never move his legs unless we pay an expensive price for surgery.

"Looks like her"

I managed to choke out to Jake knowing I was talking about mother. Jake didn't say anything but placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Looks like the both of you. That's your avatar Emmy"

I grinned at him "I wonder if you copied that line from a geek" Jake shrugged his shoulders "Might as well act like a geek since all around us are nerds"

Apparently, Tom heard that and swatted him in the head "There are also RDA soldiers whose heads are up on the non - living rocks" The two brothers grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey you three!"

Our heads turned to Norm Spellman as he grinned and spoke "There's someone I want you guys to meet"

Oh great, more people to meet.


We walked towards the link chambers where a lot of metallic link pods were aligned. I stared at the link pods a few moments before I heard a woman screaming out in annoyance.

My eyes went to a scientist in a lab coat with a cigarette in her mouth. She looked to be about in her thirties.

"Here she is Cinderella back from the ball, Grace!"

Max called, making the scientist turn her head our way. Max stepped aside and introduced the four of us.

"This is Norm Spellman and the Sully children, Jake, Thomas and Lenna Emersyn"

Grace took her cigarette off her mouth and looked at Norm "Norm, I heard great things about you. How's your Na'vi?" Grace asked and I grew confused as did Jake.

Norm grinned and began speaking a very different language with highly different accents.

Tom began speaking the same thing as did Grace. Max looked at them as if they were speaking a holy ritual while Jake and I watched them as if they have grown two heads.

Max, seeing our confused faces tried to get Grace's attention "Uh Grace, this is Jake and Lenna Emersyn Sully" Jake held out his hand to Grace as soon as her gaze went to us.

"Yeah, yeah, I know who you two are and I don't need you two here. I need your brother, the PHD who worked for three years for this mission"

Wow was she blunt.

"Well, Tom said there had been two extra avatars that had been accidentally created. Don't blame this on the genetics and all sciency stuff"

I answered just as blunt as her. Her gaze snapped to me "How much lab training did you two have?" She asked.

"I saved a frog once"

Jake said, I looked at him incredulously. Tom looked away from him and scratched his head.

"And I made a chemical explosion in the bio lab thrice"

I answered. Norm and Max looked at me with wide eyes while Grace looked at Max exasperatedly.

"You see, you see, I mean they're just pissing on us without calling it rain"

Grace sighed and walked away, my guess is that she is going to the one who is in charge of the whole base and vent out on why there were two moronic people on this planet.

"I'm calling Selfridge"

Grace scowled. My guess was right. Max quickly tried to talk Grace out of it.

"Grace come on -"

"No This Is Bullshit!"

That was all the head of the avatar program said before she stomped away, Max looking helpless at Grace's disappearing form.

"Nice Meeting You!"

I managed to yell out before she completely disappeared. I gave Tom a plastic smile "She seems nice. Tom, you never told us about a mission going on here!" I glared at Tom and he nervously rubbed his head.

Jake, Norm and Max scooted away from us, I know Jake waned to ask a few questions on this mission but for now I was glad he was backing or else he'll be in the crossfire of a sibling brawl between me and Tom. I crossed my arms and stared sternly at him "What kind of mission are you getting Jake and I in?" Tom stared blankly at me for a moment before answering.

"Our primary mission is to study the natives known as Na'vi and learn their culture and ways and the secondary mission given to us by the RDA is to diplomatically send them away from their home without any means of issuing a war"

I stared blankly at him "So your saying is to study these Na'vi natives are like lab rats to them and they want to send them away from their home over some piece of rock junk?!"

I grit my teeth before storming away with my arms clipped to the sides. Tom managed to catch up to me and tried to reason out.

"Look Emmy, us scientists want to understand their deep connection to this planet, there's something about this place that is nothing like we've ever discovered in human history and the RDA just can't see that. Yes they want those pieces of rocks but they want them to leave by using guns and AMP suits while we just want them to leave with reason"

I didn't say anything nor did I look at my brother in the eye "You do know that I had been an assassin once on a special force and killed many people and coupled with mom's death and Jake's injury almost made me lose my sanity" Tom didn't say anything but I could feel his pain in the bond.

"I know Emmy and I also know you stopped doing that after you left Jake and I behind leaving no trace for us to find you"

Feeling a hand rest on my shoulder, my eyes went to Tom's sky blue eyes.

"You abandoned us and now you returned for us. Don't you dare abandon us now"

I froze for a second, I hated getting involved into something I'm not and Thomas just had to place me in a hostile alien planet where there is a likely chance war between humans and the natives living here is going to happen.

Still, Jake and Tom are my brothers...


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