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Rain fell like diamonds as Tsu'tey and I, with our bows and arrows, tried to find a nearby Yerik for me to kill. The sound that only belonged to one, caught my attention and I began advancing in a crouch position. Tsu'tey followed after me.

I pulled back the bowstring with my arrow ready. The unsuspecting victim suddenly looked up and our eyes locked. It hissed just as soon I released my hold on the string. Tsu'tey's ears picked up its pained cry and I immediately ran towards the fallen prey.

I held back a gulp and began speaking the Hunter's Prayer while Tsu'tey watched me, assess me. When I was finished, I brought my knife down to the heart of the Yerik and it died. Silence filled the air as I sheathed my knife " A clean kill" Tsu'tey mumbled. I didn't hear him so I asked.

"Lì'upe? (What?)"

"ngenga lu alaksi (You are ready)"


Grace, Norm and Trudy were stunned to hear that Jake and I will be having our ikran tomorrow and that we will be joining with the first hunters that will climb ikinimaya. Norm was beyond impressed "You all do realize this is a live or succeed test right?" I rolled my eyes when Trudy spoke "Oh stop your worrying. They made it this far, I'm pretty sure Jake and Emmy will succeed. Stop being so negative" Norm mumbled something incoherent and we watched the exchange between the two.

"Did something happen here?"

Jake asked. Grace sighed "Oh nothing, just caught these two making out in the bunk beds" If I was drinking anything I would have spat them out. Tom stumbled back in shock while Norm looked at Grace in horror. Trudy though, seemed satisfied as if she had been waiting for that all day.

"Norm that is just..."

Tom made a disgusting sound and Norm's face turned into a lovely shade of fuchsia "Grace!" Norm squeaked and Grace shrugged nonchalantly "Its not my fault your screams could be heard from the other side and just when I entered" I shook my head "Norm, you are burning the sheets, I'm sleeping in the link bed" Tom made a move to follow me and Jake when Norm pulled him.

"C'mon man, don't leave me"

"You have Trudy with you to keep you company and besides what do you think am I feeling to know my best bud is actually having secret affairs without me knowing"

The triplets held back chuckles as did Grace and Trudy while Norm mumbled on about how the world just love to see him suffer.


I really did not know how deep Tom's worry was until we were already beginning to ride for Ikinimaya.

Jake and I sighed as Tom kept on asking question per question, clearly not helping our nervousness in claiming our ikrans "For the last time Tom, ayoenga lu hìno (We'll be fine)" Jake looked at me with a stunned expression on his face "How the hell did you know Na'vi language so quickly?!" I rolled my eyes "There's a term called "study" Jake" Jake shook his head and proceeded to mount on his pa'li.

Tom sighed and looked at me "Just promise me you two will watch each other and DO NOT DIE" Jake and I gave him mock salutes before I mounted on my pa'li and we were off. Tom watched their figures disappearing before Ni'nat's voice reached his ears.

"Did you have a nice...ah...pängkxo?(chat?)"

Tom chuckled at her determination to speak English "Oe sngum (I Worry)" Ni'nat shook her head and placed her hands on his chest, feeling herself shudder at the intimate action "Oe nìklonu ley tìso'ha (I firmly have some positive attitude) " Tom smiled. It seems the only Na'vi who knew how to cheer him up is Ni'nat.

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