A New Body

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The following morning, the amino tanks where our avatars lay were being cleaned out. I guess you could say it was time for us to go tall and blue.

Grace met us along the way and sh quickly asked about us on our logs. Jake and I had no idea what she meant but Tom and Norm did though Tom handed us a manual all about it, my mind is too much wrapped up in getting into another body to even process what was written on the manual. I would be like a ghost possessing someone's body.

Tom and Norm easily sat and lie down on the link bed while Jake had a bit of a struggle with his legs. As soon as Jake and the two boys were good, it was my turn to get linked. Nervousness and anticipation filled my entire being as Grace prepared my link bed.

She turned to me as I lay down "You may get a little dizzy after this. Just relax and let your mind flow" That was all she said before she closed the lid. How am I suppose to relax when I have no bloody clue what is going on?!

I felt the engine start as I bit my lip in nervousness. Voices could be heard outside and I forced myself to relax by inhaling as much as air as I could muster before exhaling to calm down my racing heart which I'm sure it would leap out the next minute it beats.

Close your eyes and relax...

Closing my eyes I slowly drifted off.


Max Patel eyed the brain activity of the triplets as he swiped them each on a mini webcam. Grace Augustine stood in front of a mirror where the four avatars lay still. Max immediately walked up to Grace with the records of the brain activity of the triplets.

"They've got beautiful brains, I love the activity"

Max commented, Grace eyed the three and nodded "Go figure, they're triplets after all" The two waited for a moment before Grace spoke "I'm going in" She said, patting Max at the shoulder before taking off her lab coat.

"I'm going in in four"

Once the brains began to stabilize, Max watched as Jake woke up followed by Tom and Norm and finally Emersyn.

The once four humans woke up in their new avatar bodies.


Everything was just flashes of light until I felt someone softly calling my name "Lenna, can you hear us Lenna? How are you?" The blurry images in front of me began to sharpen and I saw scientists in white suits wearing exo packs looking down at me.

"I feel like I've gone through a series of swirls and spirals of color" I said sarcastically weak. I slwoly stood up as they began to ask how I was doing but my mind was too wrapped up in my avatar body. I'm blue and tall!

All of a sudden I felt a commotion behind me and I turned to see an avatar staggering to stand up, I recognized this one as Jake because this avatar looked like as if he hadn't stood up on his feet for a long time. They started screaming at Jake to sit down and someone yelled at another scientist to sedate him.

I was too much in shock to see Jake walking and standing like he use to do "Damn Jake, you can walk again" That was the only thing I said before Norm and Tom glared at me while Jake looked at me with excitement at my encouragement. I probably should not have said that.

"This is great" Jake said before walking out of the room. Norm quickly pulled the wires on his head out and began to run after Jake. Tom was about to follow but I yanked his tail back down. Tom looked a me with a glare "Sis!" He yelled before a pair of clothes were thrown at his face. I was the one glaring back at him "Think straight for once and put on some clothes! We're wearing lab gowns with no covering in our backsides moron!" The remaining scientists looked at Tom who blinked and the spots that were lighting up his face brightened as he turned away to find a decent place to change.

With my clothes on, I grabbed two pairs of clothes and turned to the scientists "May I go get my overly-excited  brother and his friend these clothes before they humiliate themselves in public?" They nodded as I calmly walked out of the room, trying to get use to the motor skills of this new body.

As it turns out, this body was way more agile than my human form and I caught up with Jake, Norm and an avatar female talking. I took my aim on Jake and Norm with a wicked grin plastered on my face once I saw their completely bare backsides.


"Your not suppose to be running Jake! What you did was dangerous!"

Norm chastised while Jake looked at him with a bored look as he finished up his food when two pairs of clothes zoomed in and whacked their faces, startling the two boys and making them stumble. Jake pulled them off to glare at a crossed arm, smug looking Emersyn "Care to explain why you threw us these Emmy?" Emersyn raised a brow as if he had just asked the most ridiculous question ever.

"Then at least care to explain why you two are running around in the fields with your backsides in view?"  Norm looked behind him and paled. He marched off to the nearest tree to change while Jake merely blinked and mumbled out a "Point Taken" Before finding a tree for himself to change.

Grace looked at Emersyn with a smile which took Emersyn completely off guard since she never thought the hard looking scientist would be able to smile "Your motor's looking great" Emersyn shrugged "I tried to get use to it whereas my brother got a little bit excited" Grace chuckled.


The four of us took a lot of exercises to get use to our new bodies and the one who was more excited in testing his body out was Jake. Pure happiness filled our bond and Tom and I couldn't help but smile that Jake  was starting to act like his old self back when his legs as a human worked.

When night time came and it was time to unlink. Tom and I felt a wave of despair from Jake as he righted himself in his wheelchair. I slowly walked towards him "Hey, you okay Jake?" Jake looked at me and said flatly "I'm fine" He wheeled himself away and Tom was about to follow him when I grasped his arm and shook my head.

I hated seeing Jake like this but I know he needed some time alone.

Grace walked towards us and spoke to the three of us "Wake up early and come with me and bring along your brother too" I blinked as she walked away. Tom and Norm fist bumped each other and I felt like I was out of the loop.

"What just happened?"

I asked and Norm immediately answered "We're going to study wildlife and plant life near Grace's old school and I can't believe we are all going. I'm going to start packing!" Norm quickly left the room with Tom following after him just excited as he was. Not even five days have passed and already I'm being thrown into the remote jungles of this planet like food being tossed over by a hungry predator.

Can my life get any more surprises?

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