Meeting The Natives

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When my avatar blacked out, I thought my human body would respond and I would be back in the link chambers again but it seems that my mind is as hard as a rock.

I heard voices that were not English which could only mean that I must be somewhere where the Na'vi are living.

I felt someone shake me gently and a familiar voice calling my name "Emmy! Wake up! Dammit don't you dare faint on me, I saw your eyes twitch!" That voice was unfortunately Jake.

I groaned and pushed him away, keeping my eyes shut, not wanting to open them immediately. Jake suddenly snarled and yelled out.

"You didn't have to hit her hard Tsu'tey!"


That bastard...

I growled and snapped my eyes open, blinded for a second by the light before my eyes adjusted. I was currently lying in what it looked like to be a cot and being surrounded by a lot of blue people.

The Na'vi.

I blinked as I stared at them and they stared at me. I looked at Jake who was looking g at me with a nervous smile before my eyes went to Tom who was starting to wake up.


Tom groaned and opened his eyes, wincing a bit "What happened? Did we die? Is this Na'vi Heaven?" I rolled my eyes at him as Jake helped us up on our feet.

Tom suddenly realized where he was and looked at the two Na'vi that were standing amongst the crowds though their stance and the way that they dress made me wonder if they are from a higher position.

"Please forgive us for intruding your lands. We mean no harm, I am Thomas Sully or Tom Sully and this female is Lenna Emersyn Sully. We are triplet siblings of Jake Sully"

Tom immediately spoke, earning murmurs from the crowd. Some eyed us three warily while others looked at us with wonder. The only one who stood out from looking at us with hatred is Tsu'tey.

On top of that, I have no idea what Tom is saying!

It would seem his speaking brought an interest to the Tsahik because she was suddenly speaking to him in straight Na'vi leaving Jake and I to ponder on what they are saying.

"You speak our language well"

"I have been learning for three years Tsahik"

Mo'at looked at the female behind Tom and asked "What is tree-plits?" Tom blinked before answering "Well, they are three people born on the same day. Its like three faces with one soul" Mo'at nodded before her gaze went to me. Uh oh.

"Why did you come here?"

I blinked before answering "I came here to discover something new" That was actually far from the truth. I mean, what would she feel if I say I was here by accident and was nothing more but a person using a spare avatar that looked like mom?!

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