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Two months later:

      Things were developing. fine between Brooke and Jasmine relationship, until one day Brooke started becoming distance. It started when the guilt of not telling Jasmine that her dad had killed her sister started eating her up. It was as if the guilt had taken over ever thought and haunted ever part of her mind.
Eventually, she stopped responding to Jasmine's concern texts. Brooke felt as if Jasmine was smothering her after she caught Brooke in the midst of a relapse, but oddly enough; Brooke did not feel extremely suffocated by Jasmine's reaction. Instead, she welcomes the concern with open arms because it filled her with warmth. However, this frightens Brooke because this meant that the feelings she was developing for Jasmine were getting deeper and deeper, and she refused to fall back into that hole again. Not after her ex, Amber, so that's when Brooke decided to not respond to Jasmine's text anymore, or not show up to date night. She would bail at the last minute, so Jasmine wouldn't be able to convince her into coming. Brooke knew that what she was doing was wrong, but she needed to find a way to detach herself from Jasmine; maybe then they could resume their relationship.

       But the separation initiated by Brooke did not settle well with Jasmine. It heightens her emotions to where she was constantly worried about the state of their relationship. One day, Jasmine had enough of Brooke's actions and decided that she needed to talk to her face-to-face to figure out where their relationship was headed.

      Jasmine pounded on Brooke's door aggressively. She was furious that Brooke had left her on read when she texted her that they needed to talk. Does she not care about this relationship? Jasmine thought as she continues to pound on the door and still got no response.

Finally, Jasmine stopped and pulled a Barbie pin from out her hair and quietly picked the lock. Once the door was open, she found Brooke lying in bed covered up in a bunch of blankets, watching Tv.

"Why won't you open the door?" Jasmine asked angrily.

"Why won't you get the hint that I want to be left alone?" Brooke said in annoyance.

"What has come over you?" Jasmine asked in confusion.

"No, what has come over you? When did to learn to pick a lock?"

"I was in a foster home for a year. A girl needed to learn some tricks. But this conversation is not about me. It's supposed to be about you. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong,"

"Then why won't you answer anymore? Why don't you ever show up on our date nights? It's one thing to cancel on me once, but over three times, it starts to become a problem."

"I don't see any problem with it," Brooke said casually.

"Of course you don't because you aren't the one getting bailed on all the time!" Jasmine said in frustration.

"Whatever, why are you still here?"

"I'm here because I care."

"Caring is going to be the death of you one day."

"I'm aware, but still what has gotten into you?"

"DAMMIT! I just want to be left alone. You're too clingy. I need space. Gosh, I just need time to think on my own," Brooke said in aggravation.

"What the hell you think I've been giving you these past few weeks? I haven't visited you ONCE, in the time period of you bailing on me.  I mean after so long I'm going to start getting worried. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and not relapsing again," Jasmine said in concern.

"That was only a FUCKING one-time thing!" yelled Brooke.

"Well, one time was enough to let me know to be cautious when you're alone!"

"Oh, my gosh," Brooke said while rolling her eyes and throwing off her comforter. "Do you hear yourself right now? Do you honestly think any sane person in their right mind would want to be with someone who's always worried about them and treating them like they are some fragile being who can't function without help? Or like some BABY! Reality check, you aren't my mother; you're my girlfriend so start acting like one."

"I am acting like one. I'm acting like a girlfriend who fucking gives a shit about you, so why can't you just accept that?"

"Maybe I just don't want too,"

"Okay, fine. If space is what you want, then space is what you shall get," Jasmine said in defeat, while walking to the door.

Watching Jasmine about to leave filled Brooke with terror. In a panic, she screamed,

"Wait! Don't go."

Jasmine stops and rested her hand on the knob of the door. She took a deep breathe in before she spun around with fury in her eyes.

"See crap like this confuses me, Brooke! Why don't you cut the bullshit and stop playing games and just tell me what's wrong!" Jasmine yelled in irritation. 

"My dad killed your sister," Brooke blurted out, "Jim Crosby is my dad."

Jasmine's face dropped instantly as she begun to process what Brooke said.

"What?" Jasmine asked in astonishment.

"My dad killed your sister. I am so sorry," cried Brooke. "I wanted to tell you before, but I just didn't know how. I didn't want you to hate me for something my dad did. Especially, since we were growing so close then. I️ just didn't want to ruin things," Brooke said sorrowfully.

"But you thought to distance yourself from me wouldn't?"

"That was the best option I had. The guilt of not telling you was consuming me."

"Okay, Brooke. That's when you should've told me. How could you have kept something like this from me?"

"I just didn't want to...," Brooke said before hiccuping, causing her to stop her statement.

"Didn't want to what?"

"I just didn't want to hurt you even more."

"Well, it looks like you did just that," Jasmine said before exiting the dorm.

Windstorm (Girl x Girl) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now