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      Brooke cried for hours after watching Jasmine leave her dorm. She ripped up all her pillows and threw the biggest tantrum, in attempts to deal with the pent-up emotions within. After she was all cried out, she decided that she would pay her dad a visit once and for all. He was the root of all her problems.

        The bus ride to Mount Carmel Jail was a lengthy one. She waited 30 more mins in the waiting room before she was able to see Jim Crosby. Her sperm donor.

"Jim Crosby, you have a visitor," the policeman said as Jim walked in the visitation area.

"Wow. A visitor. I don't ever have visitors," Jim said in puzzlement. As Brooke stood there waiting by the phone, she hoped that she had the element of surprise on him. It happens that she did because Jim stared at her for the longest of time before recognization flicker across his eyes. He jumped back in shocked.

"Brooke is that you?" He asked while scrunching up his eyebrows.

"It's me," Brooke said in a clipped tone. "I'm paying you a visit for the murder of my girlfriend's sister. 

"Why bring up my past? I'm a changed man. I've put that person behind me a while ago," he said in a sincere voice while trying to give Brooke a half grin.

"Bullshit. If you were allowed alcohol you would change back into the monster you were. You're just saying this because you are forced to be sober," Brooke said harshly.

Jim chuckled a manic laugh before responding:
"Maybe you're right, but why are you visiting me now when I kilt that girl years ago."

"I'm visiting because it didn't affect me until now."

"Oh, what happened?" Jim asked in a false fatherly voice. "Did you and your girlfriend stumbled on the conversation of talking about your past, and she learned that your dear old dad of yours murdered her sister. How unfortunate. Too bad I don't have any sympathy to care."

"You monster!" Brooke screamed. "Why did you kill her?"

"I have no reason other than the fact that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time," he growled.

"How could you ?"

"What do you expect? I was under the influence," he said in annoyance.

"When were you not," Brooke asked through gritted teeth.

"I was before you came into my life and ruin it!" said Jim seethingly.

Brooke scoff, "I don't even know why I wasted time to come visit you today."

"I don't know why either, but a word of advice, break up with your girl."

"Why's that?"

"Because how could she be with a female who's father killed her loved one. That's all she will see when she looks you in the eyes. You better end it before she ends it with you later down the road when emotions are heightened and too attached."

This struck a nerve with Brooke as she never considered this being an issue. Now that her dad had mentioned it, it sounded logical, but instead of admitting to that, Brooke just stared with an angry scowl.

"I should not listen to anything you have to tell me," Brooke said in disgust. "Have fun rotting in this jail hole," Brooke said before leaving without a backward glance.

Windstorm (Girl x Girl) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now