Awkward Greet

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(Ok before anything else. I am trying to make a reference okay? I know its 2017 and soon 2018. But Jaiden uploaded a Vid Con video on 2016 with James. That is the only proof that they were together in a vid con. So stop screaming cause I've explained it to you why. Dont correct me, I know. So just read the book)

Its been months since Jaiden uploaded the video of her with James, complaining about Arizona. "Y'know what? I'm going to check my comments in that video! There seems to be some comments I'm curious to read"she said as she opened her laptop, clicked that video and scrolled through it. She found a lot of comments saying I ship them! They are so cute together! Make more content with TheOdd1sOut! Jaiden blushed, but she remembered that it would never happen. She knew that James wouldnt like her as much as she likes him. But she's glad that they're best friends, atleast she could talk to him. Today they have to leave Arizona for Vid Con 2016, since James lives at Arizona, she and her mom will pick him up later. After preparing their stuffs, they left Jaiden's home. (You may be confused, Jaiden lives all by her own now. Let's just say she doesnt know how to drive yet, so her mom drived the two to the Vid Con) After minutes they have finally reached James' house. Jaiden knocked and she was greeted by James' sister, Faith.

Faith: Oh hi! You must be Jaiden! James' girlfriend right?

Jaiden: Uh w-what? N-no! I wish...

Faith: What was that?

Jaiden: N-nothing!

Faith: Really now? Cause you're blushing! -smirk-

Jaiden touched her cheek and Faith was right! She was blushing! She could feel it was hot. Before Faith could tease her, James finally showed up at the door.

James: Okay Faith... Stoo teasing Jaiden now. You dont want her to die of embarrasment and from all of those blushes

Faith: Fine, but I know no one would die from embarrasment and the blushes. It's just a decorative speech. But yeah, I'll stop, I have no more things to say to her. All of the words are spilled out!

James: Well, thanks for stopping anyway. See you in 2 days

Faith: Bye bro!

Then the door closed behind them. Jaiden was still blushing, but she wanted to know more what was behind the question Are you James' girlfriend? While walking to the car she asked.

Jaiden: H-hey James? Can I ask a question?

James: Yeah sure, what is it?

Jaiden: Your sister greeted me... And she asked if I was your girlfriend. It was wondering, did you tell her anything?

James: W-what?! Pfft... No! Were best friends right? Why would I have a crush on you?

James' POV
Well... I did tell Faith something... But I didnt say that Jaiden's my girlfriend! I just told her that I like her. And my sister Faith is just a fangirl, so if either I or my brother say I like- then she'll go scream and ship us to someone immidiately. She also some sort of... Re-construct words like if I said I like- ,she'll turn it to I love-. Just like that! Now I'm exposed... But I wish Jaiden was my girlfriend in reality... Sometimes, I'm tired of dreaming about it. I wanted it to be a reality, but I do know she doesnt like me the same way that I like her. Maybe like isnt the word anymore, I think it's love. Cause almost everyday I think of her... But I have to take it slow and make a move soon. If I dont, someone may sweep her off from me!
End of POV

Jaiden: Oh... Yeah, that would be awkward!... Heh....

James: Yeah. Um you okay?

Jaiden: Yeah, I'm fine... Let's just get in the car

James: Right...

When they got in there, there was silence. Jaiden got hurt when she heard James say that there was nothing more between them, they will forever be friends. Jaiden thought that the voices were right, but instead of the voices eating her mind, she just thought that Hey! Atleast I have a friend. I'm finally not a loner! She thought to herself, she wanted to be happy, but the voices were really her enemies. So she just tried to smile everything off, forgetting the voices and the past, and just enjoy her Vid Con with James. Then she decided to break the silence, "So? What are you playing?"she asked as he replied "Tetris". Then Jaiden thought that she should film a video, so she got her camera out and filmed James and her travelling.

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