May I?

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So James and Jaiden watched Glow on Netflix. They had fun, in the middle of show, Jaiden fell asleep. She was tired from making herself suffer EVER. SINGLE. DAY. Since she was unconcious, she couldnt control anything. Her muscles soften and soon, her head fell on James' shoulder, whose still watching. He did a little jump since he got startled when something was placed on his shoulders. He looked at Jaiden, he petted her.

James's POV
She's tired from suffering. She couldnt take it anymore... I know she's depressed. I could see that now, she has no one to live with. That's probably why she's depressed, she's stressed, she has a lot of wok to do and she has no one to help her.
End of POV 


Jaiden finally woke up and saw herself, sleeping on James. She jumped and made James to look at her. "Morning Jaiden!"he said with a calming voice. "G-good morning..."she said, "Can I just shower? I havent still actually..."she said while covering her face since she was blushing. "Really? You smelled good! I thought you've already showered"James said while smirking, this made Jaiden blush even more! "Y-yeah... T-thanks.. I'll be back okay?"Jaiden said as she rushed upstairs to her bathroom.

Jaiden's POV
I ran upstairs to my bathroom to take a shower. I touched my face and knew I was still blushing, it felt hot. I then sighed in relief since James didnt see me blushing. Why did he complimented me? He likes me right? No. No one would like me since I'm a creepy and awkward girl. Why would I even think anyone would like me? Ugh... I should really go take a shower now.
End of POV

After 5 minutes of showering, Jaiden finally finished cleaning herself up. So she went downstairs to prepare lunch fpr her and James. Buit when she got down from her bedroom, she saw James wasnt on the couch anymore. "I knew it... No one, not even James could stand me"she said, as she just wen to her kitchen to prepare lunch, fit for one. But when she entered the kitchen, she saw James there; cooking lunch.

Jaiden: J-james?! W-what are you doing?

James: Cooking lunch for us. Why? Is it not okay/

Jaiden: No no... It's okay, but why do you to do all these? I mean... You're my guest, so I should be the one who's serving you!

James: It's fine Jaiden, I know you're tired. Just go ahead and sit down, the food's almost fisnish anyway

Jaiden: Okay, thanks James...

James: No problem

After turning off the stove, James served their lunch.  James has prepared chimichanga. After Jaiden examining the food and looking where the perfect bite was. She munched on it and she was delighted with it! Flavors exploded in her mouth, and she left nothhing on her plate, every single piece of it was number 1.

Jaiden: This is delicious James! How did you cook this?!?!

James: I learned it from my mom  when I was a little kid. I usually help her make chimichanga for our family.

Jaiden: Well your mom cooks the best! Aside from my mom though!

James: Glad you liked it


The two hang out for the whole day and ate dinner together. But it was time for James to go home. Jaiden and James waved goodbye.

Jaiden's POV
Seeing James closing the door behind makes me sad again. Quietness fell again, the atmosphere of my house is again sad. I was sad too, loneliness and peacefulness is my greatest weaknes. Seeing and hearing all these brings the voices back in my head. You think that it's easy to ignore them? Just dont think about them? Wrong. I tired my best to ignore it, yet it doesnt stop until I got very upset, my vision blurs and fades to black. I just wanted to skip the night already... Maybe ending my life is the best option...
End of POV

James' POV
I closed Jaiden's doors after waving goodbye. When I got in my car, I felt sorry and worried about her. But, I tried my best to concentrate driving so I wont get any accidents. Afte thatl long drive back to my home. I opened the door of my house and went to my bedroom. I tried to sleep, but I couldnt. I was worried about Jaiden, so I went to grab my phone and called her. There was no answer. This made me worry, but I have many guesses why she wont answer. She might be asleep, she might went out for a nightstroll, or she might have committed suicide. I couldnt stop thinking, but all of that thinking made me tired and made me sleep at 12mn. 
End of POV

~The next day~

James went to Jaiden's home immidiately, he knocked on the door. No response. He putted his ear on her door to listen to any voices or sounds. He couldnt hear a thing. It was quiet. Too quiet. Luckily the door wasnt locked, so he barged in and saw Jaiden animating in her room.

Jaiden couldnt hear a thing, she was deafened by the voices inside her head. All she could hear was the voices in her head. She hasnt started drawing a thing on layer 1 still, she was just staring at the white blank screen while listening to the voices. 

Then James spoke, "Jaiden?". Suddenly Jaiden snapped out from her thoughts immidiately, his voice was irresistable for Jaiden.

James: Are you okay? What happpened to you?

Jaiden: N-nothing...

James: You cant lie from me anymore. You told youtube what happened to you, right?

Jaiden didnt speak, she just sat there and started to cry. She covered her crying eyes with her hands. Then someone hugged her from her back, when she went to check it. It was James.

Jaiden: Why are you here? You dont even care me. I dont need your pity. I'm usless! Cant you see who you're dealing with?! A stubborn girl who is unlovable!

James: Dont say that to yourself. I actually care for you. You know that? I got worried when you didnt pick up the phone last time when I was calling you. I know you're always up until 11pm. But not answering made me worried...

Jaiden: -sniffs- Y-you care me?

James: Yes... And I couldnt leave you alone here anymore...

Jaiden: W-what do you mean?

James: May I move in with you?

Jaiden got shocked, she froze for a few monets. Then she replied.

Jaiden: Sure. But why?

James: I know Ari cant cheer you up immidiately and couldnt help and talk to you.

Then Jaiden hugged him.

Jaiden: Thank you James... For looking at for me...

James:No problem Jaid...

Jaiden's thought:
End of Thought

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