The Voice

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Jaiden thanked James for helping her move in with him and he left. Then she pushed Ari's cage near to her desk where she animates and her laptop is placed.

Jaiden then threw herself to her purple bed and letted out a big sigh.

Jaiden: Well... Looks like this is a new chapter of my life... Atleast I'm faraway from my house, which will never turn into a home! Like ever!

Ari tilted it's head.

Jaiden: Dont mind me Ari, I just did a little rant there okay? Dont worry about me too much.

Ari: tweet!

Suddenly, James called Jaiden down for lunch. Since they finished unpacking at 12:45 noon. Then, Ari started screeching, Jaiden thought that Ari wasnt used to James' voice but nope! It was fangirlling!

Jaiden: Coming James!

She said then she went down to the kitchen. The food was steaming and Jaiden sat across from James.

Jaiden: Wow. This looks delicious!

James: It is delicious... Trust me, you'll like it!

Jaiden: Meh... I'll be the judge of that

When she sliced the steak, she was once again. Delighted! She never knew James was a good cook. But, she is a good cook too, but never really used it. Since she prepares simple meals for herself, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Jaiden: I'll wash the dishes. You've done quite enough help for ine day sir

James: Heh, I guess I'll go upstairs to animate. Call me if you need anything.

Jaiden: Okay. Thanks!

Jaiden continues to wash the dishes. She grabbed the sponge and the dishwasher liquid. And she starts to scrub the dishes one by one.

Jaiden's POV
I'm washing the dishes. But, I'm kind of curious why the voices hasnt gone back since this morning. It's all silent right now, yet I hear my own thoughts only. Is this a miracle? What did I do to make the voices go away? Is it because I'm happy when I'm with James? No. I dont like him. He's just my best friend! Who supports me when I'm down! But... I actually have more than 1 best friend. But why is James like the one who could sense I'm hurt, I'm depressed... He could like understand me. But Rebecca, Cypher, Tony, Alex... They're not like James, who could like sense every feeling I feel. He's like.... My guardian angel. But what did I do to desrve him though? To have a friend like him?
End of POV

Jaiden finished washing the dishes while she was lost in her thoughts. She went to James' room to tell about it. She was scared about telling him what she's been thinking. She thought that James thought that she has a crush on him. And it would be really awkward... 

Jaiden's POV
Fine... I admit it... I do have a crush on him... But it would be really awkward for us... We might stop talking because of the things that I said. I'm scared to loose him, he's the only one that could make me happy, laugh, smile, care for me... He has done so much for me. Butstill, up to this day. I have no idea why he's doing all of these to me. Is there a reason behind it?
End of POV

Jaiden reached James bedroom door, she letted out a big and went to knock on his door.

-knock knock-


James: Oh hey Jaiden, done with the dishes already?

Jaiden: Yeah... Um hey, can I tell you something?

James: Yeah sure

Jaiden: Just... Promise me you wont make fun of me okay?

James: Cross my  heart

Jaiden: Well... You know I have depression right?

James: Yeah?

Jaiden: Well... Usually when there's silence... The voices in my head begins to speak. But when I moved in with you... There was silence and there were no voices...

James: Well dont worry about it too much, atleast they'rer gone right?

Jaiden: Yeah... Also, why are you doing all these things to me? 

James: Like what?

Jaiden: You letted me move in with you, you supported me... You always check on me if I'm alright, if you cant come you check me through messaging... Am I something to you?

James: U-um...

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