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~A few months later~

Jaiden was 5 weeks pregnant. The bulge on her tummy is already visible. It was another day. Jaiden finished her few weeks of pregnancy, so that means she doesnt have morning sickness anymore. Maybe just having nausea, that's all.

Jaiden craved more and more food,  as James kept making more and more food for her. He may be tired, but he didnt care, he cared for Jaiden and their baby at the moment. He was willing to cancel all of his tasks, just to care for his now, fiancee.

They were planning to get married next month, September. They were all excited and all that, that they've made wedding invitations and plans already.


James' phone beeped, he went to check the message. When he read, it said look outside. When he slowly turned his head to the side, it was a guy. Wearing black leather jacket, a black van on his back, and 2 guys at his side.

He couldnt see their faces, it made him panic. He grabbed Jaiden's hand and pushed her upstairs. Before both of them could hide for safety upstairs, he was shot by one of those sleeping darts. JAMES!

~7 PM~

James woke up, but he felt like his eyes were still closed. He realized he was in a dark room. It was quiet. Pitch black. He couldnt move. When he moves, the rattle of chains are heard. He was tied by chains...

After minutes of struggling, he heard footsteps. He stopped moving, so he wont make the mysterious person draw closer to him. The foot steps stopped, then the light turned on. It revealed the guy who texted James. The mysterious guy grinned mischieviously, he laughed evilly. It scared James the heck out of it.

James: You! Who are you?! And where's Jaiden?!

???: You dont remember me?

The guy laughed evilly in a deep voice

James: Wait... No...

Ryder: Yes, it's me. Ryder!

James: Why did you kidnap us?!

Ryder: Nothing, but to ruin your fruitful life...

James: But why?!

Ryder: Why? Have you forgot?! You got transferred to another school! You left me all alone and you promised me you'll keep in touch with me. I waited a reply from you... Yet, no messages were received.

James: Ryder, I was busy! I was-

Ryder: Yeah... Busy busy busy... That's all what you do mister busy! You didnt even remember your best friend!

James: No I didnt-

Ryder: Dont you know how much it hurts for a person to loose a best friend? I felt useless, depressed, a trash. When you have problems, you know I'm always there for you. But you? No. When I have problems, all you say is OH I'M BUSY SORRY!

James: Ryder, it's in the past, cant we just forget it?

Ryder: You know what people say  An unresoloved past never really goes away until you find the courage to revist all the pain and accept that there's nothing you can do to change the past. What's happened has happened, and what's done is done.

Ryder: But I'm here for my revenge James... So you could experience my pain, and this is how it felt like...

He pulled out a knife, he gave a few seconds for James to look at it. 



When James opened, he was shocked why Ryder hasnt stabbed him still. When he looked down, Jaiden got a big cut at her left arm. Jaiden!

James couldnt do nothing, but to see his fiancee lying on the ground right in front of him. Feeling the great pain, holding her bleeding and sliced arm.

Ryder: Have a great night...

Ryder then left James and Jaiden at the pitch blacked room. The clouds revealed the magnificent moon as it shone James' cell. Jaiden stood up, stumbling while approaching him.

She then finally reached to him, she has the key and unlocked the locks on James' chain. As soon as she unlocked it, she stumbled again. James caught her just in time.

James: W-why did you do that?

Jaiden: Because I love you James...

James: But you didnt have to do that! You shouldnt've letted me die instead... I deserve it, I've hurted my old friend...

Jaiden: James, you did a lot of things for me. You dont deserve to die. You still could do many things. Me? I  cant... I'm supposed to be useless, but you gave me purpose, you just showed me I could still do many things

James: Because you have purpose. You still have a role Jaiden... I'm... Sorry I got us in trouble...

Jaiden: James... P-please d-dont cry...

As Jaiden wiped James' tear away with her right hand. After wiping, Jaiden's eyes closed.


  My lover
My life
My baby
My wife
You left me, I'm tied
Cause I know that it just ain't right  

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