Friendly Kiss?

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It was 8pm, James has left Jaiden's house already. They ate dinner together this 7pm. When he left, darkness, loneliness spreaded the atmosphere, there was a deafening silence. Jaiden went upstairs drowsily, wanting to really end her life since noone cared. She thought that not even James would care for her. So she went upstairs and scrolled through her phone. She decided to upload the video tomorrow since she's tired and over thinking stuffs. She went to her bed and scrolled through her phone.

No one loves you. You're hated. Just lock yourself up in a room and we'll take care of the rest Jaiden... You'll eventually give up and hand us your body, and soon we'll feed on your body. Remember, days will never be the same as the old ones, they are in the past.

Those words echoed in Jaiden's mind, her vision blurred. And slowly her vision turned to black. There may be the light of her phone, but all of the lights faded.

With James. He forgot his USB, so he went to knock on Jaiden's door. He waited for a few second and there was no reply. When he knocked for his 2nd attempt, he began to hear Jaiden screaming. He opened the door immidiately and went to her room. When he entered the room, Jaiden was lying on the floor crying. "Jaiden?"he asked, as Jaiden was shock in the inside. His voice soothed her and soon she stopped crying. Her vision slowly faded from black to normal, she could finally see her surroundings including James who looks worried. "I-i'm... S-sorry James that you saw that. But I'm fine"she said, James knew that she was lying. "No you're not okay. Here, let me help you"as her carried Jaiden back to her bed bridal style. Jaiden blushed, she tried to hide her face with her hair.

James: Hey, what's wrong? Why were you crying om the floor?

Jaiden: N-no, tha-that was nothing...

James: I'm not convinced

Jaiden: You dont have to worry about me... Go back home. Why are you here anyways?

James: I forgot about my USB but then I heard you scream and knew you were in trouble.

Jaiden: No! I'm... Good...

He. Doesnt. Care for you. He'll eventually leave you, cold, hurt, starving. Not giving you love. Because, you dont deserved to be loved!

Jaiden then started to cry again, she couldnt hold back her feelings anymore. She knew that she will be separated from the world one day. Then, James hugged her and runned his finger through her hair. Jaiden's cry became quiet but she still has tears on her cheek. James wiped her tears off with his thumb and asked "Why were you crying?"he said withe a very calming voice.

Jaiden: I know we havent known each other that much... But will you trust me not tell this to anyone?

James: Promise.

Jaiden: Well... I'm just upset by something... I have these voices that echoes in my head, that tells me I'm useless. No one would love me, I'm a freak, dumb and a coward lady. And-

Before she could say another word, James putted his finger on her mouth shushing her and said

James: You're non any of those. To be honest, you're beautiful, talented, kind... Ever since I first stumbled across your channel, you were so cheerful. You inspired people, then when you uploaded why you dont do face reveals... You dont take care of yourself, instead of others. I know we are just acquaintances, but I wanted to repay you. Even if we just spent time for a day, I could feel your a very special girl. You actually inspired me to continue making animations, didnt you know?

Jaiden was speechless, the voices inside her head were positivity. The voices said to do something special for him, so she kissed him. James was shocked at her actions, he knew that Jaiden wouldnt like him.

James: Uh... Oh! Is it a friendly kiss?

Jaiden: Oh um... Yea? It's a friendly kiss!...

Jaiden's POV
Friendly kiss? That hitted me like a truck. I wish I could have told him that was a passionate kiss... Well, I'm too afraid to tell him the truth that I like him. He might leave me if I told him the truth. But why did I kiss him? I couldnt have just given him a hug! Gosh brain why?! But... It felt good though...
End of POV

James' POV
A friendly kiss? When she said it was a friendly kiss, it hurted me so bad. That I wanted to scream and tell her that I like her. I wish we were more that friends, or acquaintances... But why did she kiss me in the 1st place though? That's... Very unusual of her. But, it felt right...
End of POV

The 2 blushed, as Jaiden spoke "Hey, Thanks for comforting me, even if you were just really after your USB"she said with a smile. "Hey, It's no problem, call me anytime if you need anything k?"as he winked. Jaiden nodded and waved goodbye, then James left. Jaiden smiled and went to sleep. With James, he just closed Jaiden's bedroom door. He smiled and went out of her house, still thinking of they kissed.

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