The Small Gathering

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Jaiden: W-what should we tell them why I'm here?!

James: U-um... Let's just say I forgot the small gathering. Which was by the way, true. Then you came here to hang out!

Jaiden: You're a genius!

Then the two rushed downstairs to greet them. But for them not to think Jaiden lived with James now, Jaiden planned to hide in the kitchen a bit with food and act like she doesnt know James' family is coming, then she'll be out afterwards.

James: Sis! Mom, Dad!

Faith: Hey bro! We brought Georgie and Poppy! It doesnt obey us so... We brought 'em back to you.

Jaiden: James I got the, oh hello Faith, Mr. and Mrs. Rallison!

Faith: Who's this girl James? *smirk*

James: Um my friend? Why?

Faith: Do you mean your girlfriend?

James: N-no!?

Mrs.Rallison: Okay Faith, stop teasing your brother. We're here to have fun. By the way, who is she?

James: Oh... I havent introduced her to you yet havent I? Well she's Jaiden! My girl best friend.

Mr.Rallison: Oh. Hello Jaiden, Jaiden-? -shakes hand-

Jaiden: Jaiden Animations sir.

Mrs.Rallison: Jaiden Animations? What a lovely name for a lovely lady!

Jaiden: Th-thanks...

James brought Georgie and Poppy at their backyard to play, while Jaiden was left with his family.

Mr.Rallison: So... Why are you here? No to be rude though

Jaiden: I was here to hang out with James, and it seems he forgot about the gatherung today. I could leave right now if you want to!

Mrs.Rallison: No no, stay with us! Were a fun family dont worry

Faith: Yeah... Have fun with us -smirk-

Jaiden: Uh... Haha... Yep

Then James finally appeared, he lead his family to the dining room. Jaiden sat with James' family while James prepared food with his mom. James really did inherit those cooking skills from his mom, huh?

Faith got bored a little bit, she wanted to tease James. But since he's busy, she cant. She excused herself with Jaiden by herside.

Jaiden: W-where are you taking me?

Faith: Somewhere private! I wanna mess with James girlfriend a bit!

Jaiden: W-wait... What?!

Faith led Jaiden to the balcony which is faced to the backyard of the house. She smirked and began to talk.

Jaiden: U-um...

Faith: Are you really James best friend? Or are you just more than that?

Jaiden: I wish...

Faith: What was that?

Jaiden: I mean yeah! We are best buds!

Faith: Okay... But, you may not be official yet... But do you have feelings for him?

Jaiden: N-no?

Faith: They why are you blushing?

Jaiden's POV
Ahh! She's so good! She must be the grand daugther of Sherlock Holmes! Cause she's jusg dang tko good! It's my fault too actually. Ugh... I'm so bad at lying, like why?! But I have to hide the fact. For James. He's still not ready to admit it yet... But, we arent even a couple! We havent even started dating! Just have confessed. I have to keep lying, even if it gives me billions of sins.
End of POV

Jaiden: Oh... It's hot....

Faith: Really? It's actually a nice weather today! Why would you feel so hot?

Jaiden: W-well... I have different temparature feeling!

Faith: Hmm... Okay then, but I'm watching you! Come on, let's go down! The meal's probably ready!

Jaiden was once again, dragged by Faith. She was powerless against Faith, so she letted herself to be dragged around my Faith. She could trust her, since she's James twin sister anyway. When they have reached the dining room, James questioned where they went.

Faith: Oh nowhere! Just to the balcony, admiring the view! Y'know?

James: But there's no much view back there? It's just the green backyard, Poppy and Georgie, and houses!

Faith: No... There are clouds and a sky that we could admire!

Mrs.Rallison: She has a point

Mr.Rallison: Just pipe down all of you, and enjoy the meal

Everyone took a seat and ate. It was ofcourse, delicious! After hours of having fun at the dining room. It was 3pm.Jaiden volunteered to wash the dishes, and she has 3 reasons why. First, she dont want to be stuck with someone that's noy her family. Second, she doesnt want to be questioned by Faith. And lastly, she wanted James to have a quality time with his family.

The Rallison were mumbling something, Jaiden couldnt quite hear them. She doesnt want to interrupt them, it must be a family talk. So she just ignored them mumbling.

Mr.Rallison: Why is she washing the dishes? Shouldnt be the host and the owner of the house do that?

Mrs.Rallison: Yeah, I know she's nice. But why us she doing that?

Faith: Yeah James! Why? -smirk-

James' POV
My family... They'll always question me the things that seems odd to them... But, as much as I wanted to tell them the truth and quit interrogating, I cant still! We may have confessed but it's still not official...
End of POV

Mrs.Rallison: James? James?

James: Uh... Huh?

Mr.Rallison: You didnt answer our question...

Mrs.Rallsion: Why is she washing the dishes? I know nothing's wrong about it. But like... I dont know, we have this weird feeling that you guys are lying

James: Lying?! Pffft! Nope! Why would we ever lie? Jaiden's an honest girl!

Mr.Rallison: Mm... Okay, I trust you James. Well, thanks for letting us eat here. We kinda msised you and had quality time with you. But we have to go now

Mrs.Rallison: Call us if you need anything

James: I will mom

His mom kissed his forehead and left. Jaiden appeared, wiping her wet hands on her jeans with a sarcastic face. She crossed arms and leaned on the wall "You're a mama's boy arent you?"she teased. "No!"he replied, as the two just laughed it all out.

James: Hey Jaiden... Can we continue talking?

Jaiden: Sure

James: Since we were interrupted, I was going to ask you...

Jaiden: W-what is it?

James: Can you be my girlfriend?

Jaiden froze, physically. It took a few moments before she replied.

Jaiden: Yes...

They kissed, it took 3 minutes and they pulled away. They blushed after that, then Ari chirped.

Jaiden: A-ari! Why do you keep watching us?!

Ari: -screeches-

Jaiden: Were going to have a long discussion Ari

2 dogs: -barks and rans towards James-

James: Okay not you too! Oh- ahahaha! Okay okay! I'll play with you! See you Jaiden, after I play with these cuties!

Jaiden: See ya! Okay Ari, to the room

Ari flew to the room and Jaiden followed behind. Jaiden actually talked Ari about stalking her and James. But after that, they just played all day.

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