Chapter Twenty-Two: Keeping a Secret.

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"A-Ashton, you can't tell the King. N-no one, please." Cyrus sat nervously. His eyes swelled with tears. Sprites both male and female could carry. They were special beings, and always had been, "Lord Garth..h-he doesn't want us to have children. He's the heir, I can't be.." Cyrus feared for the child. His heart was racing. The sprite moved back on the bed and closed his eyes, "I-I can tell him when we are gone. We're leaving soon. We'll be out of here. The two of us will be gone, safe." Cyrus felt like he should shrivel up. The world was caving in, and it was all on his chest.

Ashton stood nervously. The male walked about as he tended to the room, "Prince Cyrus you must calm down. The baby is growing in your belly whether you like it or not, darling, but if you wish to keep it a secret, then so be it." The blue eyed male bowed his head lightly. He brushed his hair behind his ear, "You will have to tell your King. This child is special. They could bring peace to the kingdom's, my Prince. Farwood's magical being's could live in peace again..if they see that their heir in the child of the King of Flames and a Prince of Waters. This will go down in the books, darling. No one will know but the two of us for now, but you must tell King Victor. He is the father, yes?"

Cyrus's mind was racing. His eyes swelled with tears as he wrapped his arms around his stomach, "G-Garth doesn't want us to bare. I don't understand." A million questions went through his head. The young male was scared for his child, and more so, how Victor would feel about it. Garth often made it clear that he was the heir, and that no one would take that from him. Not even the King's child, "I will tell Victor, b-but not until we're away from here..not until we're safe." Cyrus had a million questions, but no answers. He was unsure of how Victor would feel about the matter. The young male wasn't ready to bare. He was scared, and not in the position, "The child is Victor's. I-I had never done such things before him.."

"Prince Cyrus you must tell the King. This can't be kept hidden. The baby will grow, then what?" Ashton took a step forward but the door suddenly came open, and the young healer fell silent. The blue eyed male bowed his head lightly, "My King, Cyrus is a bit sick." Ashton turned and glanced at Cyrus, "I gave him a herbal tea to drink before bed. It will help his nerves when he sleeps." Ashton bowed.

Victor's expression wasn't happy as he walked through the door. Usually he had a relief about him when he was with Cyrus in their room. It was their only escape from the soldiers outside, and Garth. The King listened to Ashton; merely bowing his head as he told him about Cyrus's sickness. Victor was unaware of any sort of pregnancy. He still had difficulty believing that a male fairy could bare a child during a heat cycle, "Thank you, sir. I'd appreciate if I could be left alone with Cyrus. We have things to discuss, and very little time." Victor spoke softly. The male's fists were curled, and his expression was concerning.

Ashton tilted his head lightly. His hands rested in front of him clasped together. As he was asked to depart, his brow raised slightly, "Leave? Yes my King. I do hope you get better, Prince Cyrus." Ashton had a odd tone to him. He knew that Cyrus wouldn't tell, and that worried him. How long would the fairy wait? The blue haired male pulled the door open, and walked out without another word.

Victor waited for Ashton to leave. The male took a deep breath before approaching Cyrus and sitting on the edge of the bed. The King's body was tense, and that was all to clear. The red headed male looked over at Cyrus, "I know you're not feeling well, but I have something to tell you." He rubbed the back of his head lightly, "The carriage is here to take me, but you must stay here for a few weeks. Until I'm able to convince the elder council that you aren't a blood thirsty monster, and that it was I that was wrong." Victor pressed his hands together. He glanced over at Cyrus before looking back at the ground.

The Prince's eyes widened. His heart sank as Victor spoke, "L-Leave me here? Alone with him?" Cyrus let his legs fall. His eyes became puffy with tears. He shook his head no very quickly before standing up, "I-I will not stay here with him! Y-you can't make me, Victor!" Cyrus was beyond terrified. His eyes swelled with tears as he walked back and forth. This had to be part of his nightmare. This couldn't be happening. Not now.

The King wasn't surprised to hear Cyrus refuse so quickly. Victor shook his head, "You can't go back to your home, Cyrus. You know that. Garth knows not to lay a hand on you. If I came back and you had a single bruise I'd have his head. You are my bride, and so long as you are, you will not be killed by any of my people or his. You understand that?" Victor stood up and took hold of Cyrus. He pulled him close against him before holding him tightly, "I know this isn't ideal, but we have no choice. I may be the King, but if I bring you with me with a angry hoard of people waiting outside my doorstep I could end up taking you to your death darling." Victor pulled the Prince close.

Cyrus grabbed tightly on to Victor as he pulled him into a embrace. The blonde haired male's eyes swelled with tears as he listened to Victor. He shook his head stubbornly, "Victor please, I-I don't want to be left here alone." He buried his face into his shoulder as he listened to him. The sprite looked up at him. Cyrus had just found out he was with child, and now his lover was leaving to try to talk his council into allowing Cyrus to come into the kingdom. The blonde closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The young male rested against Victor and held on to his arms tightly. Cyrus realised he didn't have a choice in the matter, "You said it takes nearly two get there and back? A few weeks, Victor? Alone with him?"

Victor nodded. He couldn't look the Prince in the eyes. Not now. A guilt flooded him. It was his fault the Prince was in this mess, but he had no choice, "This is the safest place you can be. It's not with me, but it s far enough from my kingdom to keep you from their harm. You are under my protection until the council says otherwise. It is a long time to be without you, and I know it's hard, but we are closer then we've been darling. They have word, but they wish to speak to me in person." Victor took his chin and held it gently. He leaned forward and kissed him tenderly, "We'll be safe together soon, but you must understand I have filled my people's heads with stories for some time. They cannot help what they believe because they do not understand. I love you darling, but I have to keep you the safest I can. You understand that?" Victor wanted nothing more then to keep his Prince safe, and whether either of them liked it or not, this is how it had to be.

Cyrus welcomed the kiss. His frail arms wrapped tightly around Victor's shoulders. He was scared, but he trusted him. The Prince leaned back down and looked up at Victor nervously, "C-Can we lay in bed a bit? Before you go?" Cyrus wanted nothing more then to be held at this point. He wanted to have Victor's touch before he was gone. It was the only good thing he had right now. He couldn't tell Victor about baring a child. He couldn't have him worrying as much as him. Not during his travels home.

"Of course."

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