guess who's back

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- couple weeks later -

I've been moving furniture into my apartment with Mark. Anthony was hanging out with Jake and team 10.

Mark: I like this couch.

Y/N: Me too.

Mark sat down on it and I sat on it to.

Mark: Logan misses you.

Y/N: Ugh. I don't want to think or talk about him.

Mark: You think about him everyday...

Y/N: I don't actually. I have a lovely boyfriend and my mind isn't on anyone else.

Mark: Ok, whatever you say.

I looked at the door and saw Anthony, Chance, and Jake. Anthony came over and kissed me on the forehead.

Anthony: Hey babe!

Jake: Whipped!!

Anthony ran over to Jake and started hitting him.

Chance: Y/N! You have no fucking good food!

I looked over and saw Chance looking for food in the fridge. Everyone laughed. Anthony sat by me and put his arm around me.

Y/N: What are you guys doing here?

Jake: Bored as fuck!

Chance: Yeah we were hoping you'd be fun but your pretty boring.

Jake: No bro, Anthony just wanted to see Y/N since his WHIPPED!

Jake and Chance were laughing hysterically. Anthony ignored them.

Anthony: Look who it is.

I looked at the door and saw Logan. I looked at Mark. I gave him the look like 'what the hell is he doing here?'. How does he even know where I live?

Jake: Logan, bro. What are you doing here?

Logan: I was hoping to talk to Y/N.

He came closer to me. I felt Anthony grip get tighter. My heart started beating. I haven't talk to Logan since I texted him. I didn't want to talk to him again.

Y/N: I'm busy right now.

I got up and pointed towards the door.

Y/N: Just go.

Logan: Y/N please.

He begged.

Chance: Dude leave. She doesn't want to talk to you.

Logan grabbed my hand causing Anthony to sit up quickly.

Logan: Sit down Anthony. We're talking.

Y/N: About what Logan?!

I jerked my hand away from him.

Y/N: Logan I don't love you. I will never love you again. Just understand that please? We can be friends. I just hope you get I'm happy with my boyfriend right now.

Logan: I'm glad your happy. I was hoping we could be friends.

Y/N: Ok. You can come with us for dinner.

Logan smiled. And hugged me. I hugged back.

- little later -

I was straighten my hair and Anthony walked in. He seemed mad.

Anthony: Logan and you friends now?!

Y/N: Baby don't scream. Their are people in the living room.

Anthony: Answer my damn question!

Y/N: Yes we are. You have to give people chances!

Anthony: What happens if he kisses you or-

Y/N: He won't! If he does I won't kiss back.

Anthony left.

Anthony POV:

I walked out into the living room.

Chance: Tony why were you yelling? Everyone heard.

I looked at everyone and stared down at Logan.

Mark: Clam down. If Y/N wants to be friends with Logan shouldn't you support her?

Jake: I agree.

Logan: Me too.

I ignore them and walked to the kitchen. I open the fringe and looked for beer. What I'm a kidding! Y/N doesn't drink beer. I really want some though. It helps me clam down when I'm anger as fuck. I sat down at the kitchen table. I guess Mark was right.  I'm always wrong. I just need to support Y/N.

- at dinner -

We all sat at the table taking except Y/N wasn't talking to me. I tried to hide my anger and be happy but I couldn't. Y/N was just on my mind.

Anthony: Babe?

Y/N looked over.

Anthony: I support you if you want to be friends with Logan.

I whispered. She smiled.

Y/N: Thank you.

She leaned in and kissed me. I glanced over to Chance and saw Logan staring at us. I really hope he isn't trying to ruin our relationship. Because I like Y/N so much.

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