meeting him

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i woke up in my dark dark room. My room was always dark because I didn't have any windows in it. It kinda sucked but I was never in my room a lot anyway. I looked at my phone to see messages from Anthony.

- DMs -

@ imanthonytruj: here take my number so we don't have to talk in DM.

- end of DMs -

I got his number. I'm gonna play hard to get because he will be thinking about me all day! I got up and got ready to go to collage. This is my first year being in Collage. I have three more years after this. I was in collage to be a nurse. I vlog and sing now but when I'm older I might want to try something else. I walked upstairs and grabbed my book bag.

Mark: Bye, don't talk to Anthony to much at school ok?

Mark laughed. I just walked away. When I walked out I bumped into Jake.

Jake: Oh hey!

Y/N: Hey!

Jake: I heard you talked to Anthony? He was really excited. He wouldn't stop texting me about it.

Y/N: Yes I did! I can't believe he was that excited.

Jake: Yeah. He's always have liked you but now it's about to get real when he meets you.

Y/N: I might like him to when I meet him. Bye I got to go.

Jake gave me a confused face.

Jake: Um bye.

- at collage -

I sat at my desk thinking about Anthony. This kid is really screwing with my life because he's all I'm thinking about right now. I decided to text him. I got my phone out and typed in his number.

- 20 minutes later -

My phone buzzed and I looked at it immediately. Anthony!! Yes!!

- text -

Anthony❤️❤️: hey, you finally decided to text me!

Y/N: haha yeah.

Anthony❤️❤️: What are you doing?

Y/N: I would think you would know since you are my stalker.

Anthony❤️❤️: Hmm It's 1:00pm there in LA so your in school?

Y/N: yep! I love my stalker.

That was a risky text to send. I almost jumped out my seat when I sent it.

Anthony❤️❤️: love is a strong word. But I'll take it!

- end of text -

- week later -

I drove to the Team 10 house to meet Anthony. Oh! And Chance! But I'm mainly there for Anthony. We have talked everyday since I texted him. I don't know what to call us but I would hope best friends? I don't know we have only texted never called or anything. Which is stupid to be honest. Whatever. I parked on the side of the rode and walked up to the house. I took a deep breath and smiled. I could really help the smile though.

Y/N: Yo!

I yelled out into the house. Jake came running over to me and hugged me.

Jake: Are you ready to meet your new boyfriend?

Y/N: Shut up! We're just friends!

As I said that Anthony appeared right in front of me. My heart stopped. I felt my face get red. I had butterflies in my stomach. I looked down at my feet. Trying to stop my face form getting red.

Anthony: Hey!

Y/N: Hi...

I looked back up. My face returned to normal but my heart kept beating faster and faster.

Jake: Well this is awkward! Meet Chance.

Jake walked me over to Chance.

Chance: Hey!

He got up and hugged me. I hugged him back. If only it was Anthony hugging me.

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