Chapter 15: Six Weeks After

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I distinctively remember making a promise to you that I would let you know as soon as I could that I was safe. It took me six weeks, but I finally managed to write you this letter to assure you I'm OK.

I'm both too afraid and sorry to inform you that I can't tell you of my current whereabouts as I'm afraid this letter may be read by the wrong person and I don't want Ross to track me down all over again, if he still is looking for me. I can guarantee you though that my living conditions are a lot better than the ones I was living in Rocinha when you found me almost two months ago and that I have all the essentials to keep me going. I like it where I am now and I hope to stay here longer than necessary, rather than having to keep moving every couple of months.

After everything that happened while we were in Harlem, with Sterns not being able to cure me and how I was forced to change into the 'Other Guy' to try and stop Blonsky, I've finally come to the terms that there may not be a cure for me after all and that I may be stuck with gamma poisoning for the rest of my life. There doesn't seem to be any way around it so I guess I just have to learn how to live my life in knowing that I turn into a raging green monster whenever my pulse gets to high. I'm currently trying to learn how to control the Hulk, rather than fight it though. Though I won't share the details of that just yet, just know that so far I haven't hurt anyone. Except, for some trees.

I'm sorry that you were dragged into all of the mess that Ross caused, Lydia. I'm even more sorry though that you got hurt in an attempt to try and keep me safe along the way. That was something that I most definitely didn't want happening. And yet, I don't regret having agreeing in allowing you to come and help me find a cure.

Because I am grateful that you came along. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't alone. I had someone to talk to about what I was going through, I had someone to help me along every step of the way, against every failure or kink in the road-and I'm happy that that person was you. Even though the search for a cure was ultimately in vain, I'm happy we still went along. I got to know a distant cousin of mine who happened to be a remarkable and extraordinary young woman, whom I've had the utmost pleasure of meeting.

Please try to take care of yourself Lydia. I don't know what kind of missions that your job as a spy would involve you to do though if it's anything like the movies, please be careful. I would hate to loose my cousin after only getting to know her in a short amount of time.

Apologize to Clint for me and tell him too that I hope their comes a day when I can finally meet him and get to know Stacey's brother. From what you've told me of him, he seems like a wonderful man and I look forward to the day that I can finally meet him.

I'll keep sending you letters to let you know how things are.

Thank you again Lydia. I couldn't of have done this without you.


P.S If you wouldn't mind doing me a favor, would you make sure that Betty received a package from me? After we sold her mother's necklace, I managed to track it down and buy it off the person who had it before I bought it off them and sent it to her. Hopefully, she got it.

I can't help but smile as I finish reading the letter in my hand that I had received in the mail today. Clint, who sits across from me at the table, notices this smile and takes a sip from his mug of coffee before he asks me, "Did he say where he was going?"

I shake my head and place the letter on the table in front of me. "No," I say softly. "He didn't. But he's OK. You can read if you want."

"Maybe later," Clint says before once again taking a sip of his coffee.

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