Chapter 75: One Way Trip

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The chitauri that have Nat backed against the side of the bridge that we first gathered on don't see me until it's too late. As the one closest to her raises its weapon, I swivel my body in the air so that I am flying feet first towards the unsuspecting creatures. The end of my boot slams into the side of the face of the first one, sending it and its companions flying.

"Thanks," the red-headed assassin now beside me breathes as my feet land on the ground, my eyes glaring at the fallen soldiers that are slowly pulling themselves to their feet. Only nodding to let Nat know that I heard her thanks, I create fire between my hands, before thrusting it forward in a fiery stream. The aliens in front of me are set ablaze in an instant, their writhing bodies falling to the ground, and allowing Nat to have a moment to catch her breath. With Steve dealing with a small number of chitauri further down the street, there is a brief spell for the two of us to take advantage of, as there are no other enemies for the two of us to fight.

"Are you alright?" I ask, noticing that there is a dribble of blood running down the side of her face, and a cut on her lower lip. Both these wounds and the dust that coats her usually black uniform indicate that she has been putting everything that she has into this fight. Knowing this, I would say that the majority of the chitauri that have fallen on this bridge have done so due to Nat's handiwork.

"Fine," she pants, before jerking her head towards my bloodstained shoulder. She hadn't spoken, but I know what it is that she means by this. I only raise a hand and wave dismissively, knowing full well that the wound wouldn't kill me. It may hurt like hell, but I will live to see another day. So long as another chitauri doesn't catch me off guard, that is.

"You heard from Ava?"

"No, I haven't. I've been busy dealing with a squadron. You?"

"The last time we heard from her was when she told Steve and I about a group of chitauri getting close to the quinjet. She's fine though," Nat assures me, undoubtedly noticing the look of worry that briefly flashes across my face at this. "We managed to deal with them before they reached her."

"But we might not be as fortunate next time," comes an unexpected voice behind us. Snapping our heads in its direction, Nat and I are met with the sight of Steve quickly moving towards us. He clutches his shield tightly in his hand, and like Nat, grime and dust cover the majority of his uniform. "I think we should move closer to the jet."

"If you move closer to the jet, you're just bringing these things closer to Ava," I argue. "Where we go these things will follow, and it won't take them long to figure out that she's hiding on the jet."

"We can always move her to a more secure location," Nat offers.

But Steve is quick to dismiss this idea with a shake of his head. "That would involve one of us leaving the fighting field. Considering that these things keep coming through the portal, we need everyone here. We can't afford losing anyone."

Nat let's out a frustrated sigh at this and slumps against the rail of the bridge. "What does it matter? None of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

"We've still got Ava," Steve quickly points out. "She's still trying to find out how to shut the portal down. Hopefully, she does so soon."

"Yeah, about that."

The three of us quickly turn at the sound of a disappointed voice behind us. To our surprise, the very person that we have been talking about now stands in front of us. Unlike the rest of us, Ava doesn't have a single scratch on her. And to my utter bewilderment, she is holding Loki's sceptre in her hands. But her pale face and slightly shaking form indicate that she is just as distraught as the rest of us are about this fight. It probably doesn't help that we have also unintentionally placed the heavy burden of trying to find a way to stop Loki on her shoulders. It isn't surprising that she is stressed- but the crestfallen expression that spreads across her face as we stare at her expectantly is an unwelcome surprise. And the words that flow past her mouth is enough to make my stomach drop.

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