Chapter 37: Lady Sif and the Warriors Three

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A faint yet annoying buzzing from right beside my head was what woke me up that morning. I manage to blink open my sleepy eyes and blindly reach towards the source of the annoying vibrations, which happened to be my phone. Thinking that it was just some long forgotten alarm that I had forgotten to delete, I don't pay any attention whatsoever on the screen and instead tap my fingers randomly, praying that my thumb would hit the correct button. Much to my relief after a couple of taps the vibrations of the phone ringing stops all together, causing me to let out a satisfied hum before I then toss the phone on the table and rearrange myself on the couch that I had been sleeping peacefully on just moments before. Once settled, I close my eyes once more and bury my face into the comfortable pillow, pulling the blankets tighter around me. I lay there in silence then with the intention of falling back into a comfortable sleep, which the warmth of the blankets was slowly lulling me towards once more. Just as I'm on the verge of giving in completely however, the buzzing starts once again.

My eyes snap open and fall on the phone, though unlike before I was much more alert and awake. Knowing now that it wasn't simply an alarm that I had forgotten to turn off, I lazily raise up and off the couch and reach forward towards my phone, quickly grasping it and answering the call without bothering to look to see who it was, I place the phone up to my ear and mutter our groggily, "'Ello?"

"I gotta say, I'm a little hurt Frozone that my first call went straight to voicemail," A familiar voice drawls on the other side of the line, causing a shit-eating grin to spread across my face as I realized who it was that was calling me this early. "I would've at least expected you to pick up the phone straight after seeing that it was ME calling..."

"S'not that I didn't-wait," I pause, my brows scrunching up in confusion as I recall what he had just said. "Did-did you just call me a Disney Pixar character?"

"It was the first thing that came to mind," Tony replies absentmindedly. "You can after all control ice so it's not like it doesn't make sense for me to call you that..."

Before I get the chance to reply to the billionaire the blankets on the other couch across from me shifts slightly, before Darcy pops her head out from underneath the blankets. Her chocolate brown curls were ruffled and knotted in some places fro where her head had rested against the pillow the previous night. She blinks her sleepy blue eyes up at me, a hint of annoyance gleaming in them before she mutters out almost incoherently, "Out. Try'na sleep."

"Give me a sec," I request into the phone to Tony before I then sit up once more and fling the blankets off my legs so that I could push myself up from the couch. The surprisingly cool air creates small lines of goosebumps on my arms where the singlet top that I was wearing didn't cover up my skin, though I manage to suppress a shiver as I hurry towards the bathroom, my bare feet slapping against the cool tiles of the floor as I hurry towards the bathroom. Tony to my surprise is silent on the other end of the line as I push past the bathroom door and slam it shut behind me before I then lean against the door and slide down it, the bottom of my pajama pants bunching up at my legs as I sit down. "Sorry. My roommate s'little tired...I think I woke 'er up-"

"Have you been drinking?" Tony suddenly interrupts, the abruptness of his question causing me to clamp my mouth shut in surprise. Though it soon dropped open once more as I realized that the thought that I was tipsy if not drunk. "Because you're practically slurring your words right now-"

"No!" I hiss in response with a firm shake of my head even though I knew that he couldn't see me do this. "No I haven't."

"Are you sure? Sounds like you have been."

"I'm one hundred percent sure that I haven't had a drink."

"Look, it's nothing to be ashamed about-"

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