Chapter 30: Important Piece of Evidence

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"I didn't hear you come in last night," Comes Erik's groggy voice from behind me. And sure enough when I turn around in my seat at the table, I see the middle-aged scientist leaning against one of the kitchen counters, an empty coffee mug in his hand. Though something told me that his coffee cup wasn't going to be empty for too much longer, judging from the sound of the coffee machine whirring from its place on the kitchen bench beside the microwave.

I blink my slightly tired eyes up at him, my mouth working its way into an amused smile at his words. "Oh, I know you didn't," I inform him sweetly. "Because low and behold when I walked through the door last night, I found the three of you passed out on the three chairs that we call a living room, with the stench of burnt microwave popcorn hanging in the air."

Erik frowns in confusion at this. "I don't remember making any popcorn..." He says more to himself then me, his brows furrowing as he no doubt tried to search his mind for a memory of doing this.

"Then it was probably Darcy," I inform him, turning back around in my chair as I do so, my eyes returning back to the screen of my laptop in front of me. "She has an addiction when it comes to anything with butter involved..."

Erik hums in agreement at this, before the sound of him placing his coffee mug on the marble bench echoes throughout the kitchen. We then lapse into a comfortable silence, with him preparing his morning coffee and with myself continuing the research that I had been doing before he had come in. He's the first to break the silence, as he asks me, "So how long have you been awake for then?"

"Uh, since yesterday morning," I admit absentmindedly, my mind only half focused on the conversation that we were having, while the other half was focused on the information printed across my screen. "My insomnia decided to kick in last night after I got back from the hospital," I explain, resting my head against the palm of my hand as I leant my elbow against the table. Once my eyes reach the bottom of the article however, I soon find myself straightening up so that I could reach forward with my hands and click on a new browser, my fingers moving forward so that I could type what it was that I had been researching for the past nine or so hours into the now open tab. I find my fingers faltering in typing however as Erik asks from behind me, "And how is our friend at the hospital doing?"

I can't help but lower my hands and tug thoughtfully at my bottom lip with my teeth, as I consider an answer to Erik's question. How exactly was our 'friend' at the hospital? Well, according to Dr Allen Thor would be knocked out until midday today, due to the heavy sedative that the nurse had to use in order to get him to stop struggling. Not only this, but Dr Allen had also informed me that Thor would also be placed in a different room, where he would be strapped down to the bed. I had first initially been shocked at this, though my shock soon turned into understanding as the kind doctor had quickly pointed out to me that it was a safety precaution for the nurses and doctors that would attend to him when he finally woke up. After all, the last thing that anyone wanted was another incident like last night. Not to mention that they also had to find out exactly what drugs were in his system as well. Because there was no way in hell that someone could both throw people across the room like Thor had last night, as well as move as quickly as he had. It just wasn't possible. And let's not forget his bizarre ramblings about a hammer and the Bifrost, that he had so aggressively mentioned...

In short? I didn't think Thor was all that fine.

"Lydia?" Comes Erik voice from in front of me, catching me my surprise and causing me to straighten up in my chair, blinking in surprise as I see Erik had moved to the chair beside me, his coffee mug in his hand. And too my delight, there was also a steaming, hot mug of coffee in front of me as well: I had obviously been lost in my own thoughts for quite a while as well as deeply, if Erik had managed to make not one but two coffee drinks but had also managed to sit down beside me without me even realizing that he had done so. 

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