Chapter 23: A Rejected Confession

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I had seen photos and videos of Stark Industries before in photographs on the internet and old news reports whenever something interesting or new happened to the building and the people in it. But the videos and photographs, were nothing compared to the real thing in front of us.

The company consisted of three separate buildings though each one was made out of the same white marble material and with the same tall, long and wide glass windows, with the doors on the first levels being made from glass. The first building in front of us was built in the shape of a cross, with a shed placed at the tip of it. This building only consisted of three levels, though the two tall buildings placed behind it, made up for this with its extra twelve stories. According to Tony, Pepper would be found on the top level of the second building on the left, which was where we heading now.

The buildings were streaming with people, both men and women alike each wearing either black suits or a black skirt and blazer with their hair neatly groomed and pulled back of their faces. As we walked through the building, many people stopped and stared at Tony and I as we passed them, some with surprised expressions on their faces, others with wonder. I knew that this had nothing to do with me however and more to do with Tony. He was after all, a well-known superhero and the genius who was the former CEO of this company-I couldn't blame them for being in such awe. Tony however didn't seem to care about all the people that were staring at him, as he kept his eyes focused straight ahead, the box of strawberries tucked at his side while he engaged in conversation to me, explaining how the company worked. I was only half listening however- I was too busy staring at the impressive building around us.

Soon we found ourselves at the top floor of the building, stepping out of the elevator before we weave our ways through the halls, Tony knowing exactly where he was going while I trailed behind him. As we reach Pepper's office door however, Tony falters somewhat and mutters to me, "Maybe we shouldn't go in. She could be busy or something..."

"You can't turn back now," I whisper quietly, upon hearing Pepper's muffled voice trail out from underneath the door. "You bought her strawberries and everything. Besides, I wasn't going in with you in the first place-"

"Wait, what?" Tony asks, quickly, ripping his sunglasses of his face to reveal his wide eyes that were staring at me in disbelief. "What do you mean you're not coming in with me?"

"I mean I'm not coming in with you," I whisper though I give a small sigh at the sound of disbelief that Tony makes at my words. "Hey, it's your drama, not mine! I happen to be on good terms with Pepper so..."

"Exactly why I need you to come in," Tony argues though it's more pleadingly rather than aggressively. "I need a wing man."

"Tony, all you have to do is go in there and apologize- that's it," I try to reason with him, narrowing my eyes slightly in confusion. I didn't understand why he was so worried about going in there and talking to Pepper- all he was doing was apologizing to her anyway. Unless he was worried that she may hold a grudge. But Pepper doesn't seem like someone that would.

"It's...a little...more than that," Tony bites out now, his fingers drumming nervously against the side of his leg as he does. Too my surprise, he averts my eyes from my face and a slight blush creeps it's way on his cheeks, though you wouldn't be able to tell unless you were standing close to him. Because I was however, I could see it as clear as day, though it only had me feeling more confused than I had been before. I didn't understand why he was so nervous about talking to her, let alone why the thought actually bought a blush to his cheeks. It was clear to me that maybe there was more to it then he was letting on, though what it was I couldn't imagine...

It's a little more than that. My eyes suddenly work their way to the box of strawberries in his hand as I recall what Tony had said. He had bought her strawberries. Not flowers like most people would buy someone when they apologize to them, but strawberries. Something that stuck out more than flowers, something that Pepper could really like. And he had been willing to give away what was probably an expensive watch to that man so that he could get them. Not to mention how he's been wanting to see her all day, and he did make her CEO of Stark Industries, saying that he couldn't think of anyone more capable or perfect to do it. And he made her that omelet on the plane, even though he can't cook. He was genuinely happy, drunk or not, to see her at his party as well.

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