Chapter 29: The 'Mighty' Thor

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The silence in the van doesn't last too much longer, as all four of us start to breath heavily as we try and process what had just happened. I lean my head back against the wall of the van, my eyes flickering from each of my companions, to see that they all wore expressions of shock on their faces, with Darcy even shaking where she sat behind the wheel. I don't dwell on this for too long however, as I remember that the man was still out there, and was probably hurt in some way shape or form from where he hit the side of the van. Hurt, or possibly even worse...

"Shit," I can't help but hiss as I suddenly push off the wall, the action causing a painful throb to spread over the area of the back of my head where it had knocked against the van. I resist the urge to reach up with my hand to feel if the wound was bleeding however, as I move towards the pile of flashlights in a box placed in the back, Erik watching me as I go. 

I grab four flashlights as quickly as I could, glancing up to see through the window that it was still relatively dusty outside. Upon seeing this, I turn around and hand three flashlights to a still stunned Erik. "Take these-we're going to need them to find him," I say, knowing that the others may not be calm enough yet to actually take action. So trying my best to remain calm, even though a pile of dread was building up inside of me by the second about what condition the guy that we hit may be in, I hurry towards the van's side door, Erik following after me, having already given Jane and Darcy a flashlight each.

I quickly fling the door open and jump on the ground, before I start to move forward and out into the field, turning my flashlight on as I do so. I briefly look up to watch the last part of the tornado disappear in the night sky, and I can't help but feel disappointed as I watch it go. But I push this thought aside, as I remind myself that the man was still out there, and could possibly need our help. As I move forward though, turning my flashlight in every possible direction that I could, I hear Darcy call out from behind me, "I think that was legally your fault!" 

I almost falter in my movements at this, thinking that it was me that she was talking to. I can't help but feel confused at this, not knowing how all of this had been my fault when she and Jane had been the ones fighting over the wheel, though when I turn around to defend myself to her, I see that she had been talking to Jane. And too both my surprise and relief, Jane was moving towards the man that we had hit, who was laying on the ground not even ten meters away. 

"Get the first aid kit!" I yell to Darcy when Jane doesn't reply, before I then change direction, so that I was now hurrying towards Jane, Darcy and the man that we had hit, Erik following close behind still.

"Is he breathing?" Erik calls out worriedly as we continue to run, watching as Jane reaches the man and then promptly drops to her knees beside him, the top half of her body leaning over his big body. 

"Do me a favor and don't be dead!" Jane exclaims in a panicked tone, completely ignoring Erik and I all together as she stares down at the still unmoving man in front of her. I finally reach her, and I'm about to drop down to the ground beside her to check the man over, but one look at him has me stopping in my tracks and causing my mouth to part in surprise. This guy, whoever he was...he was breathtakingly attractive. Though he was laying on the ground unmoving, I could tell just by looking at him that he was huge. Huge. He wore a shirt that clung to his body that showed off his muscled arms and torsos, that were probably the largest arms that I had ever seen. He had shoulder length blonde hair that was moving slightly due to the slight breeze in the air, that would have put my own blonde waves to shame. He had a round face with a reasonably pale complexion, a slight layer of stubble covering the majority of his lower face. But what was probably the most attractive thing about him, was his royal blue eyes framed by relatively long lashes, that were staring back up at Jane and I, confusion written in them. Well, he was alive at least.

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