Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Tristan’s POV

Alec slumped down on his chair and sighed heavily. I felt Leon stiffened next to me and both Rene and Saul sat up straight in their seats. Neither of them said anything but just gaped at Alec. I turned to look at Leon, wanting an answer.

“Leon,” I whispered. He turned to look at me and forced a smile. I leaned against him and dared to kiss his lips, in hoping to take his attention off on whatever was bothering him. It seemed to work as his eyes had that shine back. “Leon, what’s wrong?” I asked again. His hand rubbed the small of my back while his other ran through my hair.

“Kade is an old friend. He’s easily the strongest among us now, except for Daryl. His core is fire which contrasted with mine so we don’t really get along. It’s logical that he could be the next Five Leaf House master, but he’s never the type to fight for high level position such as this,” he explained but appeared uneasy when he said the last sentence. He glanced slowly at Alec as if to see his reaction but all I could see was a thin blue and black swirl floating around him, especially nearing his chest. I suddenly felt a pang of sadness and I leaned against Leon’s chest.

“Agreed. But didn’t Master Seagraves will the Five Leaf House to Tristan? After all, he was the one who founded it,” Rene suddenly said. “It’s been almost a month of mourning for the house and sooner or later, they will need Tristan to come up and take over the house,” he continued.

“No!” Leon exclaimed all of a sudden. I jerked in surprise in his arms and leaned back to look at him. He rubbed his temple awkwardly. “Just…that just means Tristan will need to go on a pilgrimage…just…no. I will not allow it!” he rose from the chair and left the room. I stared at him, dumbfounded while Alec called out to him.

Saul sighed heavily and shook his head. “This is inevitable.”

I was about to go after Leon when Rene called my name. I turned to look at him as he took the seat Leon left vacant. “I really believe you will take over the Five Leaf House, the most prestigious witch and wizardry establishment. But in order to become the master, you will need to go on a pilgrimage where you are tested mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s a week long trip where you will be accompanied by a healer and a guide. It sounds easy and fun but it’s not. There are five witch and wizardry establishments that offer help, guide and shelter for witches and wizards. Imagine it like a guild in video games. Some guilds might offer benefit you’re interested in and some might not. It’s the same concept,” he said, fiddling with his fingers.

“Whenever the master of these society stepped down or died, a new chosen master or whoever competent will need to undergo the pilgrimage in order to prove to the members they are worthy of being the new master. Master Seagraves abled to found his own guild because he was a Diamond level.”

I frowned at that. “Diamond level?”

“There are four level of wizardry powers and orders. The highest is Diamond, like a sort of royalthy. Then, Sapphire. Next is Ruby and the last one is Amethyst. Anyway, both Saul and I are Sapphire level. Leon is Ruby. He could easily become a Sapphire but he’s a lone wizard.”

That perked my interest. “What’s a lone wizard?” I asked. Rene carved a sad smile. “It’s a condition where a wizard is born between two humans who have no witch and wizardry gene at all. It’s close to being an outsider in this world,” he explained. I felt bitter about it and wanted to know more but Rene cut me off.

“Anyway, I think you’re the best candidate to become the new master of Five Leaf House. Doing the pilgrimage is not an easy task. More than half of the candidate failed to go through with it. But the circumstances don’t look good because you haven’t found your core yet. And I suspect the poison has something to do with it. Let Saul and I prepare for the potion for a while. I’ll call you once it’s ready,” he said and walked towards Saul who immediately engulfed him in his bulky arms.

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