He hurts you - Cisco

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He uses his powers on you

Thing's were bad, they were really bad. You're relationship with Cisco was slowly falling apart and you were constantly having fights with him.

"Y/n, where are my vibe glasses?" Cisco asked in his angry and annoyed tone.

"You spend more time fixing those glasses than you do fixing our relationship." You said. You stood up and walked to your phone. You saw the others in the lab looking at you two knowing that you guys were going to fight.

"Y/n, I don't have the ducking time for this just give me my damn glasses!" He yelled. You crossed your arms,"I don't know where they are." You said, and you weren't lying.

"Don't lie to me, damn it!" He yelled. I walked to the door,"Cisco, I'm going home, I'm packing my stuff and leaving, this is obviously an unhealthy relationship." You said. You were tired of arguing with him.

"You can't just walk away from me, from this relationship." He said,"What relationship? You were cheating on me with Gypsy the entire time and I'm sick of you. You disgust me." You said with a tear streaming down your face.

Cisco took a deep breath and everything slowed down. You saw the blue light forming in his hands and ran but you weren't fast enough. Cisco shot you with his powers which threw you across the room into a screen. Barry supersped into and looked at Cisco who was shocked and sad, on the verge of tears.

Everyone crowded you Harrison picked you up and connected you to all kinds of tubes. You felt weak and the heart monitor made a long beep sound. You closed your eyes and went to sleep. The last thing you heard was the team shouting,

"Where's Cisco?" 

"He ran away."

"Cisco where are you!"


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