He hurts you - Wally

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He uses his powers on you:

"3 AM. Yep, I'm texting you once again

Even though I'm hanging with my friends

And I can't help it, I can't help myself, no."  

It was painfully ironic how ironic the Meghan Trainor lyrics were. You checked the time. It was 3:01 and he still wasn't home. You were getting tired of him doing this every other night, he needed to grow up he had responsibilities, like being Kid Flash and he couldn't fulfill them hangover.

"Damn it Wally, where the hell are are y-" You were cut off by something  banging on the door. You opened the door to find Wally leaning against the door frame, he must've had a lot of those supershots.

You helped him stand up, he could barely walk. You walked to where the stairs were and looked at them. It was a long way up but you didn't care, you loved him. You eventually got up and put him on the bed, where he could rest. He eventually managed to sit up and you wanted to have a talk about his drinking.

"Wally, what the hell is going on with you?" You asked. 

He just huffed

"This the..." You looked at your fingers,"I've lost count of how many times you came home drunk." You said. You were really tired and were on the verge of tears. This was unhealthy and you knew it but you were addicted to the feeling of loving someone so much that it hurts.

"So what, you know you have nowhere else to go, i'm the only one that'll ever love you."He said. You rubbed your temples and looked at him releasing a sigh,"I'm leaving. I know if I stay here we're going to fight and honestly, I'm tired. Tired of dragging your ass up those damn stairs, tired of crying myself to sleep and most of all tired of you." You said.

He stood up and waked over to you huffing. You were scared he had those lightning bolts coursing through his eyes. He raised his hand. 

It reflected in your eyes.

He used his powers to backhand you across the face. The impact sent you flying across the room and into the mirror in your bedroom. You looked up at him with a bruised cheek, bloody nose and pieces of broken glass in your hands. He was shocked and you could tell he was panicking.

"I loved you." You said

 You laid on the floor and closed your eyes. 

He started to cry when he saw the large shard of glass in your back.


Requests are open

- Sorry for the wait. I'm going to make chapters with the powers I mentioned in the previous chapter.

instagram: @ethan.mlambo

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