The Ex Files - Barry

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You and Barry have been dating for a while now, and you knew he was The Flash too. What you didn't know was that Oliver was Green Arrow, and Barry was best friends with him.

So when Barry invited you to a pool party in Star City, you were surprised when he took you somewhere very familiar.

You tugged at his arm as you guys went up and elevator to the top floor,"Barry, is this Oliver Queen's party?" You asked him.

He nodded and smiled,"Yeah, isn't this so cool? He almost never invites me to stuff like this." he told you.

"Barry there's something I need to tell you about Oliver." You said to him as the elevator door opened," Barry, Oliver's and I used to date, he's my ex." You said and his smiled faded and he looked at you in shock.

Inconveniently when the doors opened a shirtless Oliver stood in front of you two, and the water drops slid down his abbs.

Barry looked at Oliver then at himself then frowned and walked away before Oliver could greet him.

"Y/n, so glad you to, uh, see you here." He said and offered you a drink," Believe me, I didn't come here for you Ollie." You told him and he smirked," Yeah sure." He said. You took both drinks gulped them and walked over to Barry.

Barry sat by the bar, he was drinking. You took a seat next to him," What's wrong Barry?" You asked putting your hand on his shoulder.

"I-I don't know, I really don't. I feel like I'm in competition with Oliver... for you I guess. I mean look at him, h-how am I suppose to compete with that." He said gesturing to a shirtless Oliver.

You couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic he was being, in a cute way. You leaned closer to Barry," Barry there is no competition, you already have me. You have me, that's something Oliver doesn't have." You said.

"Now come on, no more pity party. I love you as you are, and I'm over Oliver." You said and pulled him towards the pool area and danced with him.

From the dancefloor you could see Oliver at the bar drinking some sort of expensive Champagne, his green eyes stared into you e/c ones. He gripped his glass so hard it shattered, and broke old the stare.



For anyone wondering:
- The book ends at 100 chapters

- I write then publish so I normally dont see errors until days later

- I am still looking for another show or universe to write and x male reader about (I'm thinking FRIENDS...idk)

- I'll be writing on my Marvel x Male reader book when I'm done with this one

- I luv ya

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