The Finale - Part 2

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"What's that's supposed to mean?"

"We take over people's minds, then their planets to grow so that we can take over more places." It explained.

"Leave my Earth, or I'll make an explosion so large it will wipe out your entire species." You said, "You don't know what I'm capable of." You were bluffing but it didn't know.

"We do not see that happening, Y/n L/n." It said. "We can make you an offer, that you will not refuse."You were confused, you knew you were no match for 7 billion people.

"I can negotiate." You said to it.

"We will leave this Earth, but you must come with us. We will reset the timeline, it will be as if you never existed." He said, "Mr Allen will end up with Ms West, Oliver with Felicity. You will be erased."

You couldn't fathom what he was saying, "If it's at the cost of saving the my friends and the world, I'll do it. Just let me say goodbye to him."
You said. The star floated out of the way and you Andrew your way towards Barry.

He stood up, he looked cinfused. "Y/n, what happened?" He asked. You put your hand on his shoulder, "Barry I need to go away, it's going to be for a long time and you'll forget about me. I'm sorry if I hurt you when I started dating Oliver, but I want you to know that I love you. I always have and always will."

"Wha-what?" He asked, Barry's started to cry but you wiped away his tears, "I never hated you for dating Oliver, I'm happy you found happiness. I love you Y/n." He said.

"But, I-I dont want to forget you." Barry admitted, you both broke down and cried. Barry hugged you tightly, you didnt want to let go, but you had to.

"Goodbye Barry." You whispered.

You walked to the starfish and it attached itself to your face. You felt yourself being teleported away, you watched as time reversed itself.

You watched from a distance as Barry and Iris stood in a crowd, Irsis yelled something to Barry as a man ran off with her laptop.



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