Power Couple - Wally

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This chapter you have the powers I wrote about in one of the previous chapters:

"Here we go again." You said as you walked into S.T.A.R. Labs. Wally walked up behind you, he was angry and his brows were making him look angry. His super sped in front of you and stopped you.

"Hey don't walk away from me." He yelled. You rolled your eyes at him,"I'm not about to this in front of everyone, Wally stop." You warned. Wally crossed his arms, he was not going to stop and you knew it.

The team was watching,"Guys it's fine, Wally's just a bit...jealous." You told them,"No, that guy was all over you." Wally yelled,"And you were all over that gir-" You stopped yourself before you lost control,"I'm  just going to go to my training room." You told them and floated up. Wally was looking really annoyed,"I'm coming with you." He said.

You gave him a small smile of doubt then flew away leaving a small trail of light. You opened the door to your room and just few around and the temporary light trails followed behind you. Seven training spheres dropped from the roof. Light rays shot from your eyes destroying them. You turned to find Wally behind you.

You held out your arm and multiple light balls were released. You started sobbing, then crying then you were on your knees breaking down. You felt arms around you, warm arms, they were Wally's,"I'm sorry." He apologized,"I'm sorry too." You apologized.

"I don't like when we fight." You told him,"Neither do I." He said.

"Let's never fight again." Wally said.

"Agreed." You replied.

He kissed you, not minding the tears and were running down your lip.


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- I think I'm going to call you guys 'my loyalties" because you guys are so loyal and patient with me, thank you. Honestly, thank you.

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