The Finale - Part 1

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"Yes people of Centaral City it's been confirmed. Barry Allen is the Flash and has now turned into the worst threat the city has ever seen. His team Caitlin Snow is the infamous Killer Frost, Francisco Ramon is revealed to be Vibe" The tv reporter said.

"Iris West and her family have fled the country along with her father, detecting Jo Allen and his partner."

"Numbers of people are gathered on the ground of Y/n S/n's apartment building. It seems like everyone on 'Team Flash' are metahumans, and since the recent murders committed by Barry Allen aka The Flash, can anyone of these people be trusted. We now go to the streets to see what people are saying."

A man with brown hair stood with his arms crossed in front of a crowd of protesters,"I knew Y/n was some sort of freak. When we were in high school he must've used his powers to do perfect backflips."

A girl with a hippie dressed clothes stood close to the reporter, "I'm like so supportive of these metahumans, they're people too."

A reporter from Star city shared the screen with the female one of Central City, "I think we need to fight back before one of us gets killed. Our own mayor is working with these freaks."

"We'll have have more information as the story develops."


You stood at the window of your apartment and looked at the crowd of people on the ground. You couldn't believe things have gotten so out of control in these past few weeks. Fortunately you sent Iris and her family away to keep themselves safe.

A blue light appeared and a breach formed then Cisco jumped out. He walked over to hug you and you started sobbing, he just kept hugging you.

"Hey, we need you to come to the lab." Cisco said opening a portal that both of you stepped through. Caitlin, Harry and Oliver gathered to hug you.

Oliver pulled you to one side, he kissed your forehead and hugged you again, "Y/n, I know what you're thinking but we can't blame us being together, for Barry being like that." He said.

"You're right." You agreed.

"We need to act now." Harry said. Caitlin walked to a screen, "Harrison's right, Y/n. You are the only one who's strong enough to get that star off his face." Caitlin said.

"You guys." Cisco called out, "Barry, he's covered people's face with the star." He said and pulled up a video of people walking to S.T.A.R. Labs, faces covered with a purple starfish creature with an eye in the middle of it.

"Oh no." Cisco said, everyone gathered together. "What is it, Cisco?" Oliver asked.

"It's Barry," He started, "He's-" Cisco was cut off by a purple starfish alien being thrown on his face.

"Here." Barry finished.


Caitlin turned into Killer Frost, but before she could do anything Barry threw the purpose star alien at her face, he did the same to Harry.

"My best friend and my boyfriend. You drove me to this and I would love to kill you, but Starro has better plans for you." He said.

Barry through two of the purple starfish, you acted quick and blew them up. Barry sighed with frustration, he threw a glass shards at you.

Oliver pushed you out of the way and it hit him, Barry tried to come closer. "Back off, you're not Barry." You told him, you flicked your fingers and it caused a large explosion that blasted him away.

"Y/n, you need to leave me and go after him."

"No, I-I can't leave you, not with them." You said and looked up at Cisco, Harry and Caitlin who slowly stood up.

You managed to carry Oliver outside to your car, your hands were stained with blood. You opened your door and put Oliver in the back, crowds of people gathered.

"Y/n, what happened?" A reporter asked.

"What happened to Mayor Queen?"

"Why are you covered in blood?"

You got in your car, you couldn't drive because of the people who were blocking you. You slammed your hands against the hooter, "Move what's wrong with you people?" You yelled.

You got out of your and slammed it shut. "Get out of the way, damn it!" You yelled. You need to save Oliver, and save the world. "Move!"

You didn't have time for this.

You used your powers and flicked your hands, causing explosions. It wasn't fatal just strong enough to blast them away.

You got back in your car and rushed to the hospital, once you got inside people attended to Oliver. You were sitting outside the operating crying, you didn't know what to feel until the doctor came out of the room.

"I'm sorry sir, there was nothing we could do." He said. You felt your heart break and rushed into the room, you took all the tubes connected to him and kissed his forehead.

The doctors, nurses and other people came inside the room, they had the stars on their faces too. You covered Oliver's face and looked up at the, you felt the heat of anger course through you.

You blew up the stars on people's faces, everyone that came your way got the stars blown up.

Out of nowhere you were pulled to the top of the building, you looked up at Barry. He was in pain.

"You are hurting me human." Barry said. "Who are you- what are you?" You asked it.

"We are the ones who will start a crisis on infinite Earths."



It gets bigger than you think.

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