Which Y/n is it anyway? - Part 2

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You put your hand down. Phoenix was still floating, you ran to your window and jumped on him. You managed to put your hand on his face and shit flames at him.

Phoenix yelled on pain and started falling, and so did you.

"Take this." You said to him and punched him in his face before he could heal fully.

"I'm taking you down with me brother." Phoenix said and before they could hit the ground The Falsh came in and swooped you.

"If you can't do it Y/n I can-"

"No, I will." You said. Phoenix ran at you, and you at him. You guys ended up on a roof, throwing fire and punches at each other.

You held him at his neck and punched him repeatedly. Phoenix smiled at you with his blood stained teeth.

"I told you, you weren't going to win Y/n, god your name is stupid." Phoenix said. He grabbed my hand and threw you against a wall.

"Good nor evil can win, we coexist, they're one." He said and kicked you in your stomach, the pain was so excruciating you couldn't do anything back.

"We're one." Phoenix said.

His body turned into flames and you felt him enter you. You tried to push him out but he was taking control over your body, your mind.

You felt yourself losing all control and Phoenix took over your body.

Barry appeared and ran over to you," Y/n are you o-okay? What happened to Phoenix?" He asked. You tried to call out fir help but you weren't in control of your body.

"He's gone, I killed him." Phoenix said and Barry pulled him in for a hug.

"He's gone, everything going to be okay now." Phoenix said to Barry. You wanted to yell at him, scream but you couldn't.



Sad news,
'the network' (me) is reducing the book from 100 to 90 chapters. So the next chapters from here on will be the finale chapters.


- also I sometimes question the age and maturity of some readers because they will comment the dumbest, most immature and childish things on my reader special chapters, so please just...think before you ink

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