10 000 likes & 2 loves - Barry

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You and Barry were on date night.

The setting was amazing. A beautiful restaurant, it was dark but the fairy lights on the ceiling lit the palace up. Barry had his food in front of him but his eyes were on you, in awe.

"What are you s happy about?" You asked him with the smile that crept soon your face.

"You. I'm smiling at you, everyday I think to myself how did I get so lucky? " He said.

You took out your phone and captured the moment,

"I need to post this on Instagram, it's gonna get like, ten thousand likes-" You stopped talking when you noticed his facial expression,"What's the matter, baby?"

"I don't think you should post it,"Barry said,"It might get ten thousand likes, but it'll have two loves. You love it, I love it. That's all that matters to me." He said giving you a kiss.

"Why are you so romantic tonight?" You asked him.

"What can I say, I'm special." He said.

"You're something special alright." You said earning a playful nudge from him.


I wasn't gonna update, but y'know, no rest for the wicked. So let me start explaining myself....1) Our school started doing test and I'm studying right now 2) My crush broke my heart without even knowing it and now I'm being a hoe 3) My only two friends are fake 4) My relationship with my mother is not good, it's so hard being nice to her, but I don't want my last words to be something mean 5) I found some books that I actually like, to read and I've been doing that 6)I put out a new YouTube video about my school finding my YT channel 7)I've been wondering if my chapters are too dark 8)I got addicted t a game called instlife 9)Binge watching a show 10) My letter 'O' key is struggling :(

But i'm back and that's all that matters 💕

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