Chapter 1 - Enter the Ruins

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A/N - Very quick authors note before we dive into the story, this story will somewhat follow the game to begin with, with a few exceptions. I'm quite excited to do this story so I hope people enjoy it and have patience with me, it may not have to best flow as I'm not very good at 3rd person perspective but I'm going to try my best. Okay I'm rambling now, I'll leave you to it....

Chara holds out a hand to her, she takes it cautiously wondering just how it is even possible, "Partners?" she questions once on her feet,

"Of course," Chara grins, his crimson eyes sparkling, "you did wake me up," he chuckles, "it would be wrong for me to just leave you here alone in this dangerous place,"

"I don't think it's dangerous," Frisk mumbles looking down, "um, you said you were stuck?"

"Yeah, but don't worry your pretty little head about it," he tells her while ruffling her hair,

"Maybe I can help?" Frisk says with a tiny smile, fighting a blush that was rushing across her face,

"You have to think about your own safety first Frisk, I don't want you to end up like me,"

"Well if I die I can just continue from a save point and try again," Frisk responds but then gasps and covers their mouth, 'no-one was supposed to know,' Chara looks at Frisk with excitement,

"So you have a determination SOUL," his grin widens, "no wonder you were able to wake me up," Frisk frowns at him now, "what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Frisk shakes her head and smiles to hide the fact she is lying, 'I don't think I should tell him I've already been down here once'

"Come on, I'll help you through the underground, after all its full of monsters and they will try to hurt you," he says taking her hand,

"But they aren't bad!" Frisk protests, Chara gives her a funny look his ruby eyes darkening,

"Frisk, how do you think I died?" He shakes his head, "come on, I'll get you home," he promises as his eyes return to normal, she just nods in response, choosing not to voice the fact she plans on getting everyone out of here. A smile flickers across her face as she lets Chara guide her forward, 'I just have one more to help now.'

They continue down the dark passageway and eventually through a large door, Frisk wonders if she will see Flowey again and how he will act. Her question is answered when she sees the little yellow flower up ahead on a small patch of grass, slipping her hand out of Chara's grip she hurries forward, Flowey smiles at her, "Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" he then chuckles as Frisk frowns a little, "Why'd you make me introduce myself? It's rude to act like you don't know who I am?" Chara comes to a floating stop beside Frisk giving her a questioning look, "someone ought to teach you some manners, I guess little old me will have to do." He grins at me,

"Be careful," Chara warns,

"Ready? Here we go!" Flowey says and Frisk gasps as her SOUL is pulled forth, it glows bright pulsating red, brighter than it had before,

"Whoa," Chara says with a little awe in his voice, 'does this mean it's stronger than last time?' Frisk wonders,

"See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." Frisk had heard this from Flowey before, but he keeps going, "What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some love don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" he winks, "Down here, LOVE is shared through little white 'friendliness pellets'." Chara scoffs loudly at this but Flowey doesn't seem to notice, "Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"

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