Chapter 12 - Muffins and Musicals

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He teased her, they argued, it was as if he was never gone. She had tried to find out where he had been but all she got was a shrug and he would then avoid it completely by changing topic, in the end Frisk gave up, "I'm really happy your with me," she tells him,

"Uh.. you are?" Chara blushes slightly before getting control over it, "Well I'm happy too, don't wanna be away from my Frisky too long," he ruffles her hair,

"Hey don't, my hair is enough of a mess," she pouts,

"It does kind of resemble a birds nest... maybe if we listen we might hear the chirp of tiny birds," he teases, laughing when she starts slapping him playfully. Grinning he grabs her swinging hands and spins her around, pulling a giggle of joy from the girl,

"Stop! You're making me dizzy!" still giggling they both fall to the ground and lie there for a while catching their breath,

"So, what's next for you?" Chara asks turning his head to look at her, she turns those golden orbs his way,

"I wish it was sleep," she sighs, "but first I have to get past Muffet and then there's Mettaton again..."

"Wasn't Mettaton the guy tall bones was always watching on the TV?" Chara enquires,

"Yeah," Frisk giggles, "his name is Papyrus Chara..."

"Yeah I know, but I think tall bones is fitting," he grins and jumps to his feet, he holds out a had to help Frisk up, "So a giant metal box and... what's Muffet?" Frisk takes his offered hand before answering,

"She, is a spider monster, remember the bake sale back in the ruins?" Chara nods at her as he pulls her up to her feet. Misjudging his strength, she falls against him. He had to quickly adjust his grip, wrapping one arm around her waist so she did not fall back down, he blushes rapidly at the closeness of their faces, even Frisk's cheeks redden and both of them seem to be holding their breath. Frisk moves first, placing her small hands on his shoulders and pushing slightly away, "um... well... t-they are related to Muffet..." Chara also takes a step back dropping his hands to his side and glancing away,

"Y-yeah? Um.. well then it s-should be okay right?" he hates that his voice stutters,

"Well... sorta..." Frisk responds taking slow steps in the direction they were supposed to be heading,

"What do you mean, sorta?" Chara moves into step beside her,

"Communication between the Ruins and Hotland is slow... and she's a boss monster..."

"You have to fight her don't you?" Chara frowns, "And let me guess, you still won't attack back, you can defend yourself y'know Frisk,"

"I won't hurt anyone," Frisk says with determination, "I refuse, the monsters are good Chara, they just want to be free,"

"Yeah, and that freedom comes at a price Frisk, your life," he folds his arms letting out a huff, "and I'm not about to let them take your soul and use it to break the damn barrier, I'm not letting any of them hurt yo...ahh... Frisk what are you doing?" she had practically tackled him with a hug, he sighs and hugs her back, "I'll help... and I won't hurt them I guess... just for you,"

"Thank you Chara!" she kisses him on the cheek and then hurriedly pulls him along, he floats behind her, face as red as a cherry, "if we do it quick we can take a rest at the MTT resort, I should have enough gold." Soon enough Frisk was walking into a hallway draped in cobwebs, she glances at Chara and nods, Chara takes this as his sign to possess her. Once done he keeps walking, high pitched laughter echoes through the hallway,

"Ahuhuhuhu... Did you hear what they just said?" more laughter, he found it damn creepy, "They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through. I heard that they hate spiders. I heard that they love to stomp on them. I heard that they like to tear their legs off." well that would be entertaining, Chara thinks to himself and feels Frisk mentally scolding him, "I heard... that they're awfully stingy with their money." Then he saw her, lilac skin, five black eyes slowly blinking at him and a small sadistic smile as they giggled, "Ahuhuhuhu... You think your taste is too refined for our pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhuhu... I disagree with that notion. I think your taste... Is exactly what this next batch needs!" Frisk's soul is dragged out, basking them and the spider woman in its brilliant crimson glow, Chara was ready for whatever this monster could throw their way, "Don't look so blue, my deary... I think purple is a better look on you! Ahuhuhu," in that instant, Frisk's soul flickered and changed to purple, and Chara felt restrained, almost as if bound, 'don't panic, see on the ground, see the purple strands of web, you can move to them to avoid attacks,' Frisk tells him, this was not going to be easy, but he supposed it could not be any worse than Undyne. And then the webs rose into the air and around him, he sent the giggling spider woman a glare, "Why so pale? You should be proud. Proud that you're going to make a delicious cake, Ahuhuhu," that laugh, he wishes he could just make it stop, if he could just wrap his hands around her damn neck, a good squeeze and... pain brought him out of his dark thoughts, damn,

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