Chapter 3 - Skeleton Puns

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He stares up at the familiar ceiling, wondering why he was actually awake and why he was on the floor. Something felt off to him and not because he was on the floor, he only ever got this feeling when... "that damn weed," he grumbles forcing himself to sit up, but for some reason that thought did not seem quite right. Things were different last time, he was sure of it, "I need to figure out what the hell happened, again," he rubs his face in an attempt to push away the lingering feel of tiredness,

"SANS!" his brother's voice yells from beyond the bedroom door, "ARE YOU AWAKE? YOU'RE LATE FOR YOUR SENTRY DUTY!" he groans, not really wanting to go do his job, "SANS! WAKE UP YOU LAZYBONES!"

"Am up bro," he calls while jumping to his feet and slipping into his pink fluffy slippers, he grabs his blue hoodie and heads out of the room,


Sans takes his time, choosing to walk to his sentry post rather than use a shortcut, he was deep in thought as he walked, he could not quite remember the last timeline, "should have checked the monitor," he sighs, "heh, welp nothing can do right now 'cept go see how my friend beyond the door is," he was trying to remember what their last conversation would have been but was not too sure. Deciding he would actually take a shortcut he appears in front of the large doors and frowns down at the disturbed snow. The doors had been opened and there was a small set of footsteps leading out, "did she actually leave?" he ponders and glances the way the footsteps go, in the distance he spots a figure in blue, narrowing his gaze he recognises what it is, "human..." then he remembers, the last conversation, "dammit, I made a promise," with a small aggravated sigh he heads off, following the human.


Frisk wrapped her arms tightly around herself in an attempt to brace herself against the cold, it was not working very well, "Maybe you should have gotten a coat or something from Toriel's place, I bet there was clothing and such in that dresser," Chara comments, Frisk glares at him,

"I can handle this," she says with a determined pout, he seems completely unaffected by the blistering cold wind whipping around them, gritting her teeth she starts moving forward, thankful at least for her thick boots. She did not want to admit Chara was right, she should have looked in the dresser to see if there was anything that could have helped, after all she had known she would have to trudge through snow and it would be a while before getting to Waterfall where is was at least warmer if not wetter. She was so lost in thought that she tripped over a large branch and face planted into the snow, Chara howls with laughter, "not funny," Frisk grumbles quietly while pushing back to her feet, now she was even more colder than before,

"I'm sorry," he responded between gasps for air, "are you hurt?"

"Only my pride," she huffs and storms off,

"Aww don't be angry at me Frisky," Chara floats in the air next to her, "please I didn't mean to upset you,"

"It's fi..." they both suddenly jump as a loud cracking sound rips through the air,

"What the..." Chara whispers with a twinge of fear, they both turn to look back, seeing the branch broken. Taking the few steps back to it they look down, "how did?"

"Doesn't matter," Frisk shrugs and picks up a piece of the broken branch, a small twig, 'this will be useful later' Chara gives her an approving nod,

"Good idea, arm yourself, we don't know what broke this, it's most likely a threat," Chara starts to move away while glancing around, Frisk shakes her head, gripping the stick loosely in her right hand and moving on. Soon they began to hear footsteps, Chara got really nervous but Frisk simply sped up a little then came to a stop at the bridge with its too wide to stop anyone gate, "What are you doing? You can easily walk through there, somethings coming, come on!" she chose to ignore Chara as the footsteps got steadily louder, a small smile tugging at her lips as they stopped behind her,

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