Chapter 14 - The True Lab

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Frisk felt like she had been walking around for hours. She had no clue as to where Chara could be, she really hoped he was alright. He was in a mood the last time she saw him and after that weird glitched out moment yesterday before the fight with Mettaton... well she is really worried, and nervous. So nervous that she yelps as her phone rings loudly, she takes a moment to calm her racing heart before answering, it was a call from Papyrus,

"HOWDY! IF IT ISN'T MY GOOD FRIEND, WHO TRUSTS ME. THIS IS PAPYRUS. YOUR ALSO MUTUAL FRIEND." Frisk frowns, 'Is he alright, he sounds... off...' "ALPHYS AND I FINISHED OUR TRAINING EARLY. VERY EARLY. SO I SENT HER HOME. VERY HOME. UH... NOW. I FEEL STRONGLY AND FOR NO APPARENT REASON. YOU SHOULD ALSO GO... THERE. TO HER LAB... HOUSE. I HAVE ONLY GOOD FEELINGS ABOUT THIS. GOODBYE." She stares at the phone for a moment, something felt really off. Papyrus sounded nervous, he did not sound like his usual happy go lucky self, 'should I try call Sans? But technically he hasn't given me his number yet... wait...' her thoughts turn to Alphys, wondering just why Papyrus was insisting she go there. 'Is Alphys okay?' Worrying now she starts to run. She runs all the way to the lab, stumbling through the door and looking around, everything was dark. But on the floor, she spots something, picking it up...

"A note?" she frowns and tries to read the badly written note, "Hey, thanks for your help back there. You guys. Your support really means a lot to me. But. As difficult as it is the say this. You guys alone can't magically make my own problems go away. I don't want to be afraid anymore. And for that to happen, I have to be able to face my own mistakes. I'm going to start doing that now. I want to be clear. This isn't anyone else's problem but mine. But if you don't ever hear from me again... If you want to know 'the truth' Enter the door to the north of this note. You all at least deserve to know what I did." Frisk looks up, a frown of worry gracing her face, "what are you doing Alphys..." she takes a few steps towards the door, strange noises fill the air. Worried and a little panicked out of concern for her friend, Frisk steps through the door and finds herself in an elevator. The door shuts and it starts to descend, a few seconds later it shakes, "not again..." she mumbles eyes flicking around for a handhold as a red light pulsates,

"WARNING! WARNING! Elevator losing power! EM TETHER STABILITY LOST!" a robotic voice announces,

"What! What does that mean!" then there is a sudden rushing sound, the elevator rapidly dropping,

"ALTITUDE DROPPING!" Frisk lets out a scream of fright just before the elevators comes crashing to a stop and everything goes dark.

The light touch of a hand gently shaking her, wakes her. A small groan of pain rumbles out of her and she sits up. Looking around she frowns confused finding herself alone in the dark remnants of the elevator, "Who...?" she shakes her head, that was not the first time she felt the touch of an invisible hand, and she knew it was not Chara. Rubbing her aching shoulder, she looks to the slim crack of light from the partially open doors, standing up she moves closer and pries them open with a little difficulty and steps out onto a dark, grimy and fog-filled corridor. Blinking through the darkness she spots four screens shimmering with static, moving closer she finds they are filled with text and reads them out loud to herself, "This is it... Time to do what the King has asked me to do. I will create the power to free us all. I will unleash the power of the SOUL." a frown flickers on her face and she moves to the next one, "The barrier is locked by SOUL power... Unfortunately, this power cannot be recreated artificially. SOUL power can only be derived from what was once living. So, to create more, we will have to use what we have now... The SOULs of monsters." she moves quickly to the next one, "But extracting a SOUL from a living monster would require incredible power... Besides being impractical, doing so would instantly destroy the SOUL's host. And, unlike the persistent SOULs of humans... The SOULs of most monsters disappear immediately upon death. If only I could make a monster's SOUL last..." she looks to the last one, "I've done it. Using the blueprints, I've extracted it from the human SOULs. I believe this is what gives their SOULs the strength to persist after death. The will to keep living... The resolve to change fate. Let's call this power... 'Determination'..." a shiver runs down her spine, 'determination... someone was... did Alphys write these?'

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