Chapter 5 - Feverish Battle

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Frisk woke up many hours later, sitting up in bed she notices Chara sat slightly slumped down on the bed, eyes closed, 'is he asleep? I thought he said he didn't sleep?' she ponders while rubbing her eyes, she slides of the bed gently trying not to disturb him. As her feet touch the ground and she tries to stand the room swims and she has to grip the bed for support, "got up too fast is all," she whispers to herself and stumbles to the bathroom. Looking at her reflection she frowns at the mess her hair is in, while attempting to tame it by running her fingers through the tangles she takes note of her rosy cheeks, "it's just because I've been sleeping," she tells herself, she sighs and washes her face feeling a little more awake,

"FRISK!" Chara's sudden panicked tone yells loudly,

"Bathroom," Frisk croaks out, he phases through the door and comes to a stop beside her,

"You scared me," he grumbles then frowns, "hey are you okay?" he reaches a hand up to her face but she pulls away before he can make contact,

"I'm fine, I just woke up," Frisk tells him while turning back to the mirror,

"I don't know about that Frisky, you don't look well,"

"You don't have a reflection," Frisk points out distracting him,

"Frisky, I'm a ghost, of course I don't have a reflection," he chuckles, she smiles slightly and heads out of the bathroom, "where are you going?"

"To meet Papyrus," Frisk informs him,

"But you should rest more, not to mention eat something,"

"I'll eat after," Frisk grumbles and leaves the room ignoring Chara's continued objections. It did not matter that her vision was a little blurred, or that her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool. She had a job to do and sitting in bed was not going to get it done. She waved a goodbye to the inn keeper and headed out to the edge of Snowdin village, barely taking notice of the monsters around and pulling Sans' hoodie tighter around herself, it had started snowing, heavily.

As she expected, Papyrus was waiting at the edge of town, standing in the way of her continuing on, "HUMAN," he began upon sensing her presence, "ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT SOME COMPLEX FEELINGS, SOMEHOW, I FEEL LIKE YOU'RE AN OLD FRIEND...EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER ACTUALLY MET YOU BEFORE!! I CAN'T EXPLAIN WHY I FEEL THIS WAY...DID I MEET YOU ONLINE??? I HAVE MANY 'SOCIAL MEDIA CONNECTIONS' IT'S HARD TO KEEP TRACK OF THEM ALL, JUST A DOZEN MORE AND... I'LL FINALLY REACH DOUBLE DIGITS!!!..." he suddenly looks shocked, "HEY, WAIT A SECOND! YOU CAN'T BE MY FRIEND!!! YOU'RE HUMAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALMOST TRICKED ME INTO NOT DEFEATING YOU!!! WHOOPSIE DOOPSIE!" her soul flew out and in the area around them bones shot up crisscrossing over one another, preventing her from running,

"Frisk..." Chara was standing close beside her and places a hand on her shoulder, "you're in no condition to be doing this,"

"I'm fine," Frisk mutters quietly so Papyrus does not hear,

"Look I can help, you just need to give me permission, I'll temporarily possess your body and do the fight for you," Chara pushes, Frisk glances at him slightly and frowns, "and as a bonus you wouldn't feel anything, no pain, you can rest,"

"I'm fine," she repeats sternly, Chara's eyes darken for a brief moment as he gets a little annoyed but then Frisk has to dodge bones flying towards her, she notices the concerned look on the skeletons face, to diffuse that concern she gives him a friendly smile and a wink,

"WHAT!? FL-FLIRTING!? SO, YOU FINALLY REVEAL YOUR ULTIMATE FEELINGS! W-WELL! I'M A SKELETON WITH VERY HIGH STANDARDS!!!" he exclaims all flustered, a slight orange glow appearing on his cheek bones, Frisk had never intended it to be a flirt, she smiles in innocent amusement,

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