Chapter 9 - Friendship is Important

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A/N - I've been following pretty close to the actual game play for the most part, but things are going to slowly start to become different as I now begin implementing more into the direction I'm going. Hope you guys will enjoy it and thanks for reading and the continued support!

He looks down at his hands once again, he had lost count now how many times he had done this. But it had been so long since he had had physical hands and he was not even quite sure how it was possible, since most of the time it was hard enough to stay focused on the present and not the countless other timelines and universes out there. Usually he was lost among his and the many other versions of himself memories, but ever since she came into that room, the one room he could form himself somewhat in. Things were changing. He looks at the two young humans, although one was clearly a ghost. He was extremely curious about the two, the girl could reset and although it seems like most were unaware, he remembered. He had been watching the fight and seen the girl die, but then the world rippled around him and she was alive again. He was aware of the ability a determination soul gave one and although he had seen it through the eyes of a few of his alternate selves before, he had not experienced it himself. Not like this, not this strong. Sure, the flower had had this ability too, but it was never like this. The boy also interested him, no one else seemed to be able to see him, well they did not let on that they saw him. He was almost certain Nabstablook could. There was something oddly familiar about the ghostly boy, those crimson eyes, he had seen them before. A long time ago. But as he tries to focus on memories from his past, his specific past, his mind becomes fuzzy and everything blurs so he gives his head a shake and looks to the humans. When the girl reset back after dying he had also felt a rush of energy, he had become stronger 'and gained hands' he notes while once again looking at them. He raises them to his face and feels around, it feels less misshapen.

"Are you crazy!?" the ghostly boy shouts, he moves closer, they seem to be arguing,

"No, I'm not crazy!" the girl huffs and moves long bangs out of her golden eyes, "I told you, I've done this before, I know what I'm doing,"

"Then why do the same, let's just get you out of here and home!"

"I'm not going home," the girl folds her arms, "I'm going to break the barrier," she sounds determined, this statement sends shock rumbling through him, it was not possible to break the barrier, he had tried for many years, even experimented on the first couple of human souls they had gathered, but it simply was not possible,

"This again? The barrier can't be broken Frisk, and it shouldn't," the ghost boy scowls darkly,

"You're wrong, it will be broken and I will free everyone. They deserve to be free Chara, they are good..." Frisk insists. 'Chara...' he frowns and examines the crimson eyed boy, even the name rang bells in his mind but he just could not remember. Chara lets out a small groan,

"Fine, so you wanna try get the monsters out... that does not mean we have to go all the way back into Waterfall and talk to the crazy fish woman who just tried to kill you! Wait no, she did kill you!" Chara flings his arms into the air in aggravation,

"It's important to make friends," Frisk says simply and starts walking down the steps towards the river, Chara lets out a sigh and stomps after her muttering how Frisk must be losing her mind. He hesitantly follows them.

"Tra la la, I am the river man, or am I the river woman...?" he rolls his eyes upon hearing his old friend speak to the children,

"What..." Chara frowns at the river person,

"It doesn't matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" it is impossible to see a face within the dark hood, but their head glances over the two humans and then to him, ' they can't see me... can they?' Frisk steps lightly onto the boat followed by Chara more hesitantly. He quickly also moves onto the boat before the river person takes up his pole and pushes away from the banking. "Where would you like to go? I can take you to Waterfall or Snowdin,"

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