Chapter 15 - Is THIS The End?

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Frisk cautiously walked through the capitol; an eerie silence filled the air making her nerves rise. The last time she came her she had spoken to many monsters; their story fills her ears as if she is hearing it all once again. 'A long time ago, a human fell into the RUINS. Injured by its fall, the human called out for help. Asriel, the king's son, heard the human's call. He brought the human back to the castle. Over time, Asriel and the human became like siblings. The King and Queen treated the human child as their own. The underground was full of hope. Then... One day... The human became very ill. The sick human had only one request. To see the flowers from their village. But there was nothing we could do. The next day... The human died. Asriel, wracked with grief, absorbed the human's SOUL. He transformed into a being with incredible power. With the human SOUL, Asriel crossed through the barrier. He carried the human's body into the sunset. Back to the village of the humans. Asriel reached the centre of the village. There, he found a bed of golden flowers. He carried the human onto it. Suddenly, screams rang out. The villagers saw Asriel holding the human's body. They thought that he had killed the child. The humans attacked him with everything they had. He was struck with blow after blow. Asriel had the power to destroy them all. But... Asriel did not fight back. Clutching the human... Asriel smiled, and walked away. Wounded, Asriel stumbled home. He entered the castle and collapsed. His dust spread across the garden. The kingdom fell into despair. The king and queen had lost two children in one night. The humans had once again taken everything from us. The king decided it was time to end our suffering. Every human who falls down here must die. With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever. It's not long now. King Asgore will let us go, will give us hope, will save us all. You should be smiling, too. Aren't you excited? Aren't you happy?You're going to be free.' A shudder runs through her at the memory, they had all let her past without trying to harm her. All with the knowledge that she had been heading towards her potential death. She did not hold it against them, they just wanted to be free, they deserved to be free. She just did not know how to grant that wish of theirs.

As she walked the familiar path and into the small home that Asgore lived in, she has to admit that she was a fool, "Why did it not occur to me just who Chara was, I knew the story, I knew the Dreemurr's adopted a human child, and I knew he wasn't one of the other fallen." She sighs and shakes her head, pausing at the top of the stairs, "He didn't remember... he must be so confused..." she hesitates, but after a moment her shoulders slump, "I'll come find you once this is over Chara. Things have to be different this time... they have to be," and with that, she starts down the stairs, holding onto the fragile confidence. It was time.

She found judgement hall empty, her footsteps echoed through the golden hall and she frowns slightly but takes Sans' absence as a good sign that things will be different, at least that is what she hopes. She found the throne room also empty, which set her nerves hitching up, but she continued on. She found Asgore waiting in the barrier room. A strange light fills the room, like the twilight is shining through the barrier, 'Dawn is coming... is this the end of my journey?'

"This is the barrier." Asgore's deep voice echoes around them, he must have heard her approach, "This is what keeps us all trapped underground... If... If by any chance you have any unfinished business..." He turns to look at her, his reluctance for this encounter to begin clear as day to her, "Please do what you must." his tone is almost pleading. 'Things will be different this time, I refuse to hurt anyone ever again...' she lets her determination flow through her, Asgore seems to note her resolve and sighs, "I see... This is it, then." The soul containers rise up from the floor in a circular formation. An empty container rising up beside Asgore, "Ready?" she nods to him slowly, words she wished to convey lodging in her throat. Her soul leaps out, hovering just before her chest, its red glow, vivid, bright and pulsating softly. Asgore hesitantly steps forwards and Frisk looks to him again. "Human... It was nice to meet you. Goodbye." He glances down refusing to meet her gaze as he prepares to attack, Frisk tenses up, scared and wary though ready. But then, a familiar looking fireball comes flying from behind her and hits Asgore, knocking him off his feet. Frisk blinks in shock and spins around as she is suddenly engulfed in a large furry embrace,

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