Chapter 4 - Jinks, Puzzles, Capers and Japers

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"Well, that went well," Sans comments feeling happy that his brother was happy, the kid comes walking over, "don't sweat it kid, I'll keep an eye socket out for ya," he winks but quickly frowns, 'are humans supposed to be this pale?' he also notes they are visibly shaking even while smiling, he stops the kid as they start to walk past him, "you okay kid," he could feel them shivering and they were really cold, "you look chilled to the bone," the kid just shrugs at him and tries to continue, he stops them again, 'got to keep that promise' "here kid," he shrugs out of his favourite hoodie and places it over their small shoulders, they frown and tilt their head slightly, 'cute' "don't worry about it, we don't want you turning into an icicle now do we, you can return it to me later," he waves and walks off, trying to banish the thought of him thinking the kid was cute, "they are a human, and a kid," although he actually was not sure on the humans age, they were almost eye level with himself, "not that that counts for nothing," he grumbles and pulls his phone out. After messing around on his phone, he spots an outgoing call registered on the device, to a number he did not recognise, 'has someone been messing with it?' deciding the best way to find out would be to ring it, he presses the call button,

"h..hello?" a small voice stutters out quietly, shock ripples through him, 'the kid?'

"Hey," he responds, 'crap think quickly they will be weirded out by the fact I have their number,' "is your refrigerator running?" he asks, 'oh smart, real smart. They definitely don't think you're weird now,'

"No?" Frisk responds slowly and sounding confused,

"OK, I'll send someone over to fix it, thanks for letting me know, good communication is important." he ends the call and face palms, "good communication is important? Really?" with a disgruntled sigh he walks quickly to find his brother but then a thought crosses his mind, "I really should let the kid know..." which means he is going to have to wait. He was dozing when he felt a light tap on his arm, "hey," he greets, the kid smiles at him, he was relieved to see they did not look as pale anymore, "listen, here's something important to remember, you see my brother has a very special attack," he begins, the kid nods to let him know they are listening, "if you see a blue attack, don't move and it won't hurt you," he ponders for a moment before chuckling lightly, "here's an easy way to keep it in mind, imagine a stop sign, when you see a stop sign, you stop, right?" the kid nods, "stop signs are red, so imagine a blue stop sign instead, simple right? When fighting, think about blue stop signs," they give him an amused smile but nod before waving at him and hurrying onward, he watches them for a moment noting on how they seem to mumble quietly to themselves. He then remembered he had to catch up with his brother so took a shortcut, hoping the kid would be okay.

Papyrus looks down at him with disapproval as he appears beside him, "SHORTCUTS?? REALLY SANS?? YOU'RE SO LAZY!! YOU WERE NAPPING ALL NIGHT!!"

"I think that's called sleeping," Sans responds with a chuckle,

"EXCUSES, EXCUSES!" the skeleton brothers suddenly realise the human has appeared again, Papyrus frowns lightly glancing from the human to Sans,

"The kid was cold, wouldn't want them missing out on your awesome puzzles now would we," Sans shrugs, knowing his brother was confused as to why the human was wearing his hoodie,

"RIGHT YOU ARE BROTHER!!" Papyrus agrees readily, Sans let's out a sigh and glances over at the human, they seem to be muttering again.


Frisk and Chara came across the skeleton brothers once more, Papyrus seems to be complaining about Sans' laziness again, "Hang on, we just saw him back there, how in the hell is he getting ahead of us?" Chara demands,

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