Chapter 10 - Quiz Time

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A/N - Sorry it's been a while (again) since my last chapter. This chapter would have been out much sooner had I not decided to plan out the next like 5 chapters XD. So, I do apologise and hope you guys still enjoy what I have planned, over the next couple of weeks (should everything go to plan and life doesn't throw me a curve ball) I should have the first section of this story complete. You heard that right, first section, maybe you can roughly guess where I'm going with this :D. Welp I've said enough! Onto the story o/

He watched the ghostly boy, curious and yet worried. They stood staring at the sign depicting the old prophecy, he was vividly aware that many monsters believed that the prophecy would one day come true and that it meant they would all be free. He on the other hand was of a more logical mind and believed prophecies were simply make believe, like fairy tales, there was no science behind them at all. If they were to escape this prison under the mountain, it would not be due to some 'angel' it would be either with the power of human souls or magic. Or possibly even both. He frowns as the boy mumbles incoherently and moves closer to try and hear the words he speaks, "Have your fun Frisk, but soon... Soon it will be my turn" a wide smile stretches over the boy's face and it looks almost demonic. Was this boy even human? Like ever? Again, he felt there was something familiar, yet it continued to elude him much to his increasing annoyance. The disturbing smile, those crimson eyes, that dark aura... Wait dark aura? He quickly shuffles back a few paces, that dark intense aura was not around the boy before, he was sure. It seemed almost alive, an entity unto itself. The boy starts to move on, walking deeper into Waterfall and towards Hotland. He would follow, something about this child was unnatural and he was determined to find out exactly what. But what would he do once he figured it out he simply did not have that specific answer as of yet.


Frisk looked around before facing the large building, she had briefly searched for Chara but could not find him which worried her but she needed to continue, plus it was probably best Chara was not here for facing... that person. Taking a deep breath, she makes her way closer to the lab. The door slides open with a satisfying whoosh and she takes a tentative step through the darkened entrance, walking further in she passes a large screen noticing herself, she shakes her head at the state of her hair, "If I had a brush..." her eyes glaze over the cluttered desk beside the screen, noting the sheer amount of noodle cups, suddenly the lights come on blinding her. Blinking rapidly, she turns to the sound of footsteps,

"Oh, my god. I didn't expect you to show up so soon!" the small yellow dinosaur gasps upon seeing her, "I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, it's all messy and..." Frisk stops herself from giggling as she watches her spin in a circle, "Um... H-h-hiya! I'm Doctor Alphys, I'm Asgore's Royal scientist!" she stutters out, Frisk smiles, "B-b-but, ahhhh, I'm not one of the 'bad guys'! Actually, since you stepped out of the ruins, I've, um... been 'observing' your journey through my console," Alphys points towards the screen blushing lightly, "Your fights... your friendships... Everything! I was originally going to stop you, but... watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them. S-so, ahhhh, now I want to help you! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through Hotland! I know a way right to Asgore's castle, no problem!" she pauses and twists her hands together nervously, "Well, actually, umm, there's just a tiny issue," she's very clearly embarrassed and Frisk takes a step forward wanting to comfort her or somehow encourage her, "a long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built him to be an entertainment robot. Uh, you know, like a robotic TV star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make him more useful. You know, just some small practical adjustments. Like um," Alphys looks at Frisk nervously, "Anti... anti-human combat features?" Her voice went up a pitch at the end and she shifts from one foot to the other, "Of c-course, when I saw you coming, I immediately decided... I have to remove those features! Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so. And, um..." Alphys seems to only get more nervous, "Now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood? Ehehehehe... heh. But, ummm, hopefully we won't run into him!" As if to counteract her anxious words, a loud bang reverberates through the building, Alphys blinks and looks around, it is quickly followed by another louder crash, "Did you hear something?" Frisk's eyes widen as she looks at Alphys, how could she not hear the noise? The banging continued, getting louder, again and again, getting closer, "Oh no..." Alphys utters out, there's one final crash as something comes flying through the wall, dust flies everywhere causing Frisk and Alphys to cough and blink quickly, with eyes streaming through irritation Frisk spots the box like figure,

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