Chapter 7 - Waterfall

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She ran all the way back to Waterfall, out of breath she glanced around but could not see Chara, 'I hope he's ok...' she then spotted Sans back at his post, with a small shake of her head she approaches him. He gives her a grin as if knowing she is wondering just how he got here so fast, "Let's hang out again sometime," she smiles and nods,

"Oh," she quickly takes off his jacket and holds it out to him, "thank you for lending me your jacket,"

"No problem kiddo," he winks as he takes the jacket back and shrugs it on, "be careful up ahead now won't you," she nods and hurries off. 'I need to find where Chara went...' with a sigh she moves on forward. Remembering from the sheer chance coincidence she stumbled upon last time, she checks for the hidden room behind the waterfall and acquires the tutu. Once again, she wonders who it had belonged to,

"Probably one of the other children, maybe one of them was a dancer?" she twirls a little then frowns, missing Chara. Knowing he would have had some kind of comment to make. She trudges on feeling lonely, soon having to push through some tall grass only to find herself freezing upon hearing voices,

"H... HI, UNDYNE! I'M HERE WITH MY DAILY REPORT..." it was Papyrus, 'he sounds nervous... wait... he's talking to Undyne!' she really wanted to see Undyne, but knew it was best to stay still for now, "UHHH... REGARDING THAT HUMAN I CALLED YOU ABOUT EARLIER..." Undyne seems to ask him something but it is too quiet to hear over the sound of rushing water, "HUH? DID I FIGHT THEM? Y-YES! OF COURSE, I DID! I FOUGHT THEM VALIANTLY!" he pauses, "WHAT? DID I CAPTURE THEM...? W...W... WELL ... NO. I TRIED VERY HARD, UNDYNE, BUT IN THE END... I FAILED." 'oh Paps...' she felt really bad, 'technically he did win, after all, I did pass out...' "WHAT... YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE THE HUMAN SOUL YOURSELF! BUT UNDYNE, YOU DON'T H-HAVE TO DESTROY THEM! YOU SEE... " there is a very long pause, "I UNDERSTAND. I'LL HELP YOU IN ANY WAY I CAN." he then walks away, Frisk's heart going out to him as she takes a step to continue but freezes once more as the grass rustles announcing her presence. The sound of Undyne's clanking armour moves towards her, Frisk closes her eyes and waits. Not soon enough, Undyne leaves and she lets out a breath before exiting the tall grass.

"Yo!" Monster Kid charges out of the grass causing Frisk to yelp in shock, 'I completely forgot he was gonna be in there,' "did you see the way she was staring at you? That... was AWESOME! I'm so jealous! What'd you do to get her attention? Ha, Ha, C'mon! Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!" he runs off but not before tripping and face planting the ground pretty hard, Frisk cringes but before she can move to help the little yellow monster he is up and running again, 'I'm not even going to contemplate how he was even able to get up with no arms...' as she moves forward she feels the rush of warmth from a save point, now she misses Chara even more,

"He would say something, hmm, maybe I can try," after a few moments of thinking, "A feeling of dread hangs over you... But you stay determined." she frowns, "Chara is much better at these." She continues on, having a flexing contest with Aaron and singing with Shyren, to which she spotted Sans selling tickets made of toilet paper. She also received a phone call from Papyrus asking about what she was wearing, she responded before she remembered why he was asking. In the end, she decided not worry as it meant neither of them would be lying. She crossed over to a platform and took a deep breath, knowing what would be next but then, she heard, breathing. She spun around hoping it would be Chara only to be disappointed, at first, she thought it was Monster Kid since he had, after all, kept popping out on her but this kid, although similar in appearance, was grey. It looked unnatural to Frisk,

"Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same..." their voice echoed as is speaking from a distance, it freaked Frisk out, "except you don't exist..." now she was even more freaked out, the kid stared at her with blank milky eyes, "Everything functions perfectly without you... Ha, ha..." the laugh sounded forced, "The thought terrifies me." The kid then turns around and stares off, Frisk takes a few hurried steps back before turning around all intents to just run. But then that spear slams down in front of her, a spear that should have hit her if not for her body seeming to freeze without her permission. This had happened before, during the fight with Papyrus. Not understanding it but being extremely thankful since although she could come back should she die from a save point, it still hurt. A lot. More spears come flying towards her and she feels her body nudged forwards, she starts running, dodging where she can and at other times not fighting against the mysterious pull. She dives for a patch of tall grass and waits as still as she can, lucky Undyne seems to have lost her instead finding monster kid, she lies back and stares at the ceiling, 'maybe doing this all again wasn't the best idea I've ever had...but I have to stay determined, I have to help everyone get out!' after Undyne left confused she listened to Monster kids excited ramble before he ran off again. With a small shake of her head she plodded on forward finding another mouse hole and cheese,

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